My take is that this guy Hunt just wanted to stir the shit.
My take is that this guy Hunt just wanted to stir the shit.
I’m surprised the ref didn’t reverse the call out of sheer shock that he said “please”, “sir”, and “oh my goodness gracious.” I wish we had more mics like this, I wonder if it’s commonplace or if we just always assume they’re cursing
So a man goes over to another man who he believes raped a woman and still congratulates him. FUCK ALL THESE ASSHOLES and fuck the patriarchy. I hope Trump will be the one to kill it once and for all.
That’s what I don’t get. He seems to be vain as hell, but NOTHING about him would indicate that. His hair is a joke, his skin is unnatural, he’s overweight, and he wears terrible-fitting clothes. Or do NPDs also have a kind of body dysmorphia where they look in the mirror and see hotness where there is none?
Too busy grabbing pussy
Honestly, does the man not have ANYTHING to wear that is even remotely tailored to fit his bulbous figure?
Remember when Trump was criticizing Obama for playing golf so much?
No, you’re wrong. the original federal law was proposed by a Democrat who wanted to protect land sacred to Native American faiths. its usually interpreted to aid religious minorities rather than infringe on others’ rights at the federal level. Sadly, its been misinterpreted by certain federal judges like this one, and…
Gahd, this makes me feel all gross inside. +1
On the sideline, Ben Roethlisberger looked up, suddenly overcome with a strong sense of déjà vu.
It is just a backdoor way back into discrimination. It is only a matter of time before some asshole decides to use it to justify discriminating against black people (probably has happened already). By making it about religion, you can set the bar ANYWHERE, anti-vaxers have been using that loophole for years - they…
There’s a piece up on Raw Story today that features a cancer radiologist slash wingnut who is thrilled with Trump’s choice for Health and Human services. She wants the ACA dismantled because she thinks that too many people have access to healthcare, which is affecting doctors’ work satisfaction. Taking insurance away…
I live in Indiana, and I can safely say it all sucks. I am in a metropolitan county that votes blue, but it still sucks. I can only hope tough bitches like me who won’t budge an inch right and won’t tacitly approve of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic jokes (and anything I left out) can finally outnumber…
“O’Connor thinks that transgender people shouldn’t be protected while in medical care so that people who practice aspects of their religion like total assholes can continue to do so.”
Texas is a complete pile of crap. I don’t know how anyone could defend it.
I mocked Texass a few weeks ago on SNS and a few people jumped up to say how cool the area where they live is, even though still in Texass, and since then I’ve read at least four shitty stories about Texass legislative measures. No way. I remain unconvinced of sub/urban pockets of coolness that can override persistent…
This makes me absolutely livid. I literally just read a story about a young trans teen who committed suicide before coming here and seeing this. As I processed that story, I thought about how strong my adult trans friends must be to have even made it to adulthood in this fucked up world we live in where everyone from…
The RFRA sucks donkey nuts. Not even off a good donkey who has a great personality, isn’t a bad looking donkey, calls his mom donkey every single night and pulls a really nice cart into town every day. No the Religious Freedom Restoration Act sucks the nuts of a shiftless douchebag donkey who never leaves the goddamn…
On Saturday, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a federal judge in Texas, granted a temporary injunction to halt the…