Is it about an infant? I was thinking it meant an adult diaper for after surgery.
Is it about an infant? I was thinking it meant an adult diaper for after surgery.
Sorry for laughing at this. #notsorry
Poor bastard, left with just one inch.
The punctuation really make some of those shine.
Your mom
My 2017 resolution is to march around in a nude and glitter body stocking while my HelterSkelterBackupDancers valiantly attempt to make things slightly less fucked up.
Hahahaha. 2017 is going to be so much worse. You will pray for anther 2016 compared to the helter skelter that is coming up.
Well, maybe a giant meteor impacting Mar-a-lago at 30 seconds until midnight. That would have been more appropriate.
More like the boss to the tutorial level. Boss level 10 is for people with talent in the first place.
There couldn’t have been a more appropriate finale to the year. Fuck this shit.
That’s 42, my good man.
The Lord replied:
“My precious Tebow, I love you and would
never leave you.
During your times of bowl game analysis,
when you heard only one set of approaching footsteps, it was then
that I blocked for you.”
“Just another towelhead going down before reaching their objective.”
Pandas are overrated anyways. They eat trees and don’t like to fuck.
The answer is 47, but people keep trying to over-complicate it.
People trying to post things talking about all the good things from 2016. They fail to realize that shit will be literal dust in the wind next year. Oh we got an ebola vaccine? Shame there won’t be anyone to get that vaccine. The panda isn’t endangered! Better shoot all of them that survive the loss of bamboo thanks…
Also, I feel I can speak for a healthy majority in saying, fuck off forever 2016. And pre-fuck you 2017.
If you try to hit Tim Tebow on his blindside, you better be ready for God to be blocking.