Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Hey world let’s make up for ignoring the holocaust by letting Israel do whatever the fuck it wants to the Palestinians.

I think that this is a good time to remind people that Netanyahu, long an opponent of Oslo and any two-state solution, first came to power following the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.

2a. Not to mention a lunatic, what with threatening uh... New Zealand? Really? TF?

“Israel must respect the territorial sovereignty of the Palestinians”

“...and friendships require mutual respect.” And Netanyahu has been exceedingly disrespectful to this administration for eight years. He’s a scumbag murderer who doesn’t want peace. He thinks financial aid will increase with Trump “no nation building” in office? What a maroon.

1. Kerry should have made this speech 2 years ago


You lost me at taxing wealth. My wealth isn’t taxed, at all, in any way. Income is taxed. Not wealth.

Ronald Reagan was one amoral sonofabitch.

Gee, I wonder whose economic policies could have been responsible for that change.

Who gets killed so we can provide government services? Lots of people die for lack of services, I’m no commie, but police, roads, infrastructure military are all services I couldn’t do without.

The one thing I’ve found that most people who oppose free trade agreements could tell you about why the TPP was bad and worth opposing was because it unfairly benefitted China at the expense of America. China, of course, was not a party to the TPP at all. So, yeah, “dressed-up xenophobia rather than any real sort of

This works as well

Save this as a will be very useful the next four years. I especially imagine that “Women’s Health Care” will often be the second part of that headline.

When that Jeebus guy you mentioned tells it to them in their dreams. The cognitive dissidence is strong with the GOP.

As a white person, my main culture is working my ass off, feeding my family and sitting around watching Real Housewives until my husband begs for sex.

Hey man, we like to spend our taxes on healthcare and education, not military. And there’s only about as many Canadians as there are Californians, so... sorry eh? We’re just as fucked as you are, here.

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.