Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

Keith Richards will outlive every last one of us, though. :)

Oh good the old bait and switch.

But the evangelicals would gladly stand beside Herr drumphf if it means war in the Middle East, so they will have a second coming of Jesus. At this rate they are going to be raptured all right, either by plagues, famine or nukes. And by rapture, I mean go past heaven, and directly straight to their coffin.

I don’t see how this is a question. It’s not even veiled.

Nothing like a little dick-measuring* contest to demonstrate the degree of one’s piousness on Christmas.

Hmmm wasn’t a big part of the founding of the United States something to do with separation of church and state?

So god can’t look like Octavia Spencer, but can be compared to sentient cornflakes. Got it

According to Twitter, “libturds” are the ones politicizing this. Read the message, republicans, what is it about this year that it’s a time to celebrate a new King? Hmmm?? They did this intentionally.

Also- fuck you RNC.

As a hospice/home Heath aide worker, I can promise you, marriage and children will not stop you from spending your last years and dying in the company of strangers. I’ve held the hand of many dying patients whose spouse and children were aware and able but simply chose not to be there. I’ve seen adult children rush a

This guy is either a troll, a moron, or both. He’s literally claiming nursing home abuse as proof that no one in nursing homes can have a family, because it’s impossible for family members to neglect each other or let bad things happen to each other — I would love to live in the world he does, because it sure as hell

I can’t imagine a worse reason to maintain a relationship – or bring children into the world – than my perceived financial self-interest.

Here’s how I deal with people who think Mrs. Shoe Pilot and I are looser for having chosen to not bring little baby Shoe Pilots into the world.

What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.

Brian Blessed, in all his exuberance

Don Pardo

“Per patient” is ED charting speak for “this patient is full of shit.”