Fifth-and-a-Half Element

he has bloated up some, hasn’t he?

When they got too short to fit around his fat neck.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.

Well a temporary kickoff holder only makes Peanuts.

Seriously, though: fuck you, 2016.

Arrghh....I’m such a blockhead!!!

Been saying this for a couple of weeks now. With the solid GOP majorities in so many state houses (even in traditionally purple states - thank you gerrymandering), it will be extremely important to watch how this plays out in two years.

I would expect to see a lot of GOP Governors face problems in 2018 as the country

“Let it be an arms race … we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,”

Considering this is a comment our “President Elect” made this morning, I’d say we’ve been left in an awful place.

Oh, as soon as I read his fucking name I was like “oh OF COURSE.” Good thing nobody is at the office today to hear my indignant chortles.

They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.

Scientists are stupid because they did good in school and read a lot!

In response to Trump’s dumb tweet, Putin said Russia doesn’t need an arms race but needs to modernize to defeat anti-missile systems. That is the whole theory of MAD. You don’t need one million warheads, you need a few that will bypass anti-missile systems.

No one cares what some elite scientist has to say! <— Donald Trump, probably

What? And miss out on the spectacle of Joe and Mika sporting flannel pajamas while talking about nuclear weapons?

The Ohio House needs 60 votes to override a veto; 56 legislators voted in favor of the Heartbeat Bill and, as Rosenberger noted, “two members absent that would have voted for the bill.”

I’m in Columbus with family for the holidays. I’d like to be of service while here, heading back to Brooklyn Wednesday. Just point me in the right direction.

And, perhaps even more oddly, that Koala bears- notoriously slow moving creatures with an incredibly limited diet, all got off the ark and walked to Australia. Every single one of them.

the old one is fine and I haven't cleaned it in two years