Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

I have been comfort-marathoning GBBO all today in order to take my mind off the election, and of all seasons, I’m on the semifinals of his season. Scrolling AV, and boom..... a gut punch. So sad to hear about this, he seemed to have such a sweet disposition. Blah! Blah, I say!

RIP. That’s a bad type of cancer to get - no symptoms until it’s already advanced, and then a very low five-year life expectancy. 

I’ve been having groceries delivered since April, and I refute your statement. It’s only ONE person, who I have yet to see, as they leave the groceries on the doorstep and leave.

How in the HELL is that more dangerous than going to a crowded store yourself?

Luis was robbed and will always be the winner of that season in my book. 

Then you aren’t eating the right grits. Quaker in particular doesn’t count; if there’s a white dude in a powdered wig on your grits container, it’s the wrong grits.

The bottom line of this study claims that their computer models show airplane ventilation systems have strong filtration that trap 99% of SARS-CoV-2 and blow directly into passengers’ faces which cause infected droplets to hit the ground rather than float about.

The problem with airplane travel right now is that people won’t keep their masks on. They *have* to eat and drink! (No, they don’t.) (This is also why I won’t go back to the movies, even though the theaters are open around here.)

If you’re reading this, you’re white.

Strangling, who knows? But Oswalt wasn’t kidding about Snipes being mostly replaced by his stand-in except for close-ups — you can see that just from watching the thing.

“...who he also attempted to strangle, via Post-It notes...”

I skimmed this and thought “Strangled the director using Post-It Notes?” then realized I read it wrong.

Nope, Canada and even if a company is based in the US they are required to adhere to Canadian laws regarding branding and such if they sell the products there. It is 10x worse for web-based things. Canada has really strict laws regarding sale adverts and if you get caught violating their rules, then a citizen can

Stoned or not, in-character all the time or not, Wesley Snipes was the least of Blade III’s problems.

Lord help me, but I actually agree with Snipes on his larger point that “Because they are predisposed to believing the black guy is always the problem. And all it takes is one person”. We see it in the reactions to Ray Fisher’s allegations, or John Boyega’s outspokenness about the problems with Star Wars. To Oswalt,

Signature Thoughts:

Crepe cake isn’t Japanese, but it’s pretty popular (you see it in a lot of bakeries in Japan) and you can get it in Japan. It goes by the name Mille Crepe and there are Green Tea Mille Crepes. I usually don’t see the versions where they put fruit in the layers but alas, checking on Japan’s Cookpad app people make them

That assumes you had a way to store it properly for the last 30 years, too.

I loved ‘Ghosted’.It was not close to perfect but it was a fun show.

I remember about a show with a good premise that never seemed to find its groove.