Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

I love Lottie and I hope she wins it, but I don’t have a lot of faith that she will. This season, more than any one I can remember, is truly unpredictable. People go from the bottom two to in the running for star baker and back again regularly. There is no one I trust not to have a bad week and crash out.

Hermine got robbed of star baker. That's all I've got to say about this week.

I loved Linda so much, she is so sunny and opimistic. I want to be friends with her and sit in her kitchen gossiping and eating delicious treats. When she said that she’d had a special needs daughter that died at 18 that made a lot of sense. People who have suffered enormous tragedy usually have a remarkable

I don’t think there’s anyway you can reform ICE, even while the right screams about wetbacks and shit. The entire thing is rotten and there’s a shitload of ICE employees who need to be on trial and make clear examples of. I don’t envy  Biden and the endless special investigators he will have to assign to deal with

But, you know, America totally isn’t racist. This is how we treat ALL of our legal immigrants and refugees! [/sarcasm]

ICE is fucking toast. Won’t be but a few years, and those motherfuckers are gonna be assed out and unemployable.

It’s John Barron, obviously.

Beetlejuice era Burton could have handled some of the glee and transgressiveness. Can’t say I’m excited for present day glorified art director Tim Burton being involved.

Wait, it’s not Trump?

I would be surprised to find out that he wasn’t Trump’s speech writer.

Would it surprise you to find out that the gentleman in that photo is a Trump supporter?

I had entirely forgotten the main character’s name is Harry Hole. Pity it didn't do well in they could have had a crossover hit with Jack Reacher. 

They’ve got too good a thing going with Maya Rudolph’s Harris to totally drop it, but they definitely need to move on from the Jim Carrey—he’s funny but just little too weird. He’s basically doing a Fire Marshall Bill after 47 years inside the Beltway.

I would like them to apologize for helping to create the monster.

Let’s put it this way, everybody will have to come up with new material because Trump’s been doing most of the comedy writing the last four years.

Be best, Y'all Qaeda.

Breath a gigantic sigh of relief and get on with our lives.

Just a friendly reminder that The Base is the English translation of “al-Qaeda.”

Shaq would make a great Lurch.

‘Who Are You Helping?’