Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

I just assume 50% of people I see in Texas gear didn’t go there. The sports fandom is weird for UT. The biggest UT sports fan I know went to a private college in Austin that is less prestigious but more expensive than UT. He easily could’ve transferred to UT, but didn’t for some reason.

I honestly wouldn’t even know how to unify with people with their heads so far up their delusional asses that they can’t see daylight anymore. I’m the fortunate white, blue collar southerner who doesn’t seem to have any Trumpies or Q nuts in my family or friend circles, so I don’t have a lot of in-person experience

I’m a double UT alum who grew up in Austin. I would try to help by boycotting Texas football and never singing “The Eyes of Texas,” but I’ve already been doing that my entire life. 

He sounds Chicago-ish to me! I had to look it up. 

They’re just trying to *steel* the election.

TIL Aaron Sorkin used to do crack.

They know now that touching stuff is not a likely way to get Covid.  Breathing close to others is. One person shopping for you and dropping them off is fairly certain to be less risky than going into the store yourself.

In 2016, I was too stressed to eat or drink anything. 2 kids later here in 2020: ice cream.

Ugh, that super sucks. He was one of my faves and that was one of my favorite seasons. He was a great baker and a great sport as well.

The Texas legislature only meets in odd-numbered years unless the governor declares a special session, so it’s not like the lege even could’ve passed Covid voting accommodations if they had wanted to. GOP are a bunch of disingenuous cowards.

Feeling lucky I look like a female version of my dad, so nobody ever makes that mistake. 

Yeah, I’m the first person to go all woke about cultural appropriation, but modern Japanese popular cuisine is all about mixing and matching stuff from other cultures. It’s hard to get too offended here. The entire concept of wheat bread foods (and really bready things in general) is not “traditionally” Japanese. The

I’m all about fever tree ginger ale. It’s more expensive, but also much better and less sugary. Source: cumulative months of pregnancy sickness.

I don’t eat dairy and I’m sure these have milk in them. Otherwise, I would definitely try them. Now I gotta make my key lime coconut bars to satisfy the craving, dammit.

This reminds me of how teens would mix together every soda from the self-serve fountain at fast food places. It was called a “suicide” for some reason.

Same. It just makes me sleepy and have dry mouth. Of course, that was shitty young person weed in Texas 15 years ago. Now that I live in Colorado, I might have to try some of the modern weed technology.

Jay Cutler is a pretty dumb guy, so this tracks.

Yeah, don’t expect San Marcos PD or Hays County anything to protect Biden from Trump’s band of criminals. The good ol’ boys network is all Trump.

Seeing that pic of The Strokes makes me feel old.