Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

It took a while when I was young, but I eventually noticed that the best recipes have you add garlic after sweating your onions/mirepoix. It gives the garlic a sort of barrier to the direct heat.

Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.”

But he SAID he's not racist. That means the 40 racist things he DID before his Egg McMuffin today must not be racist. That's just how it works!

Eh & W.

I’m not going to cede nachos to Canada! If they were even mine to cede.

I always thought gay uncles were meant to be hot?  Or is that just something I tell myself to get me through the lonely nights...

As a non-Brit, I expect my heirs to wonder “what the hell is this half full little jar of goo?”

Well, Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle, and Dionne Warwick have appeared seasons 1-3, so Tina Turner would be right in the wheelhouse for an aging diva. Gladys was definitely the best of the older performers.

If I put mushrooms on a pizza, I use fresh and roast them first.  But that’s mostly because I like my mushrooms well cooked.

Key to using fresh mushrooms in a role like this is to microwave them first. The little sponges give up their liquid after a few minutes which you can easily drain off and use for something else. For example, I was able to get a good brown on mushrooms the other night in a crowded nonstick pan. Good luck trying that

“Fresh mushrooms actually give off water when they’re cooked,” he says. “They can make the crust soggy. It’ll come out like a swamp.”

Now playing

A professional approach to copyediting would put The AV Club at odds with the rest of their G/O Media siblings.

Who the hell buys three boxes of kiwis? Wait, don’t let the white woman answer that.

The immediate Philly suburbs are in the 21st Century. Time stopped in Pittsburgh when Terry Bradshaw retired. Everywhere else is stuck somewhere between the Whiskey Rebellion and the Missouri Compromise.

Also fake lobster rolls.

It really is. She tosses off some very solid jokes, and she goes all-in with the Ben Franklin thing.

She’s pretending she’s offended people to the point of them threatening violence for something as innocuous as a photo of a shitty joke sign (which isn’t generally something that prompts outrage). It’s probably the dumbest part of the whole article.

This is the best one of these in  a while.