Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

I love me a rainbow bagel, but they’re the type of bagel baked in a steam injected oven. This is war crime against deli’s everywhere.

Do you want to stare at your shoes. And I mean Really stare at your shoes while imperceptibly swaying at a Yo La Tengo show at the Grog Shop? Oh buddy. This ain't your daddy's PBR tallboy!

No no that would be -

Wow that sounds like a perfect storm of horrible.

I saw Michelle Wolf shortly after the WHCA, she did a great bit about white women in social justice movements.

The t-shirt implies she's dead, since that's the only way someone gets into Valhalla on the first place. So she's some sort of undead zombie. Seems right.

Doug Ford has gone back and forth on publicly praising Trump depending on how toxic it was for him. Plus, we have all the sewage that seeped forth from Rebel Media, and we gave the world Gavin McInnis (Papa Proud Boy). And as bluedogcollar says, *gestures at Alberta*. We've got plenty of ugliness lurking in dark

My dude, I know Canadians like to look down on America, but look up what your nation has done to its indigenous population and you’ll see your conservatives are not at all different than ours.

Vadim, who did you piss off at the AV Club office to get stuck watching all this bullshit?

I’m sorry the Spanfeller made you review this.

*Convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza.

Eh, the Adderall will take care of that.

The steroid they gave the President should start to wear off sometime early next week.  Right now he feels great and is probably experiencing some form of mania.   When he crashes, he’s going to be singing a different tune (if he’s capable of singing at all)

Chances are good that this guy has been lying on affidavits for years. If defense attorneys can prove that warrants were obtained illegally then anyone arrested on evidence from those warrants should be demanding new trials without that evidence. Fruit from the poisoned tree.

Of course, this information has been known by people involved with the investigation for months. But, for some reason, Attorney General Daniel Cameron chose not to present any of this evidence to a grand jury. There is, however, an ongoing federal investigation

This would most likely not be the type of felony that would qualify for felony murder. Not that I don’t agree with your sentiment, because I do.

Judges are too used to just rubber stamp authorizing anything a prosecutor and a cop puts in front of them. The judge 100% oughta come in for scrutiny, but so should the entire cozy relationship cops, prosecutors, and judges have going on an institutional level.

Well, it sounds like a hacky premise but these two are great so I’m in.

if you waffle waffle fries it opens a portal on top of your apartment building and Mr. Stay Puft eats your ass

“I’d like your finest hair style that accentuates, nay, shines a floodlight on, my male pattern baldness.”