Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

and this nugget not touched on “murray’s boyfriend”

This scenario is worse than anything I’ve seen on Lovecraft Country and that’s saying something.

I think I actually prefer the ones that are just cynically in it for their own gains to the true believers.

As a Biden supporter I think we’ll have some stuff to laugh at still, it just won’t be the utter shit show that it is now but there will still be some meat on the bone

On Thursday, the Fort Worth Police Department released a statement saying Ballard has been suspended indefinitely after he shared a post that was “racially insensitive and grossly inappropriate.”

I’ve taken the time to figure out the ‘convection oven’ setting on my oven, and I think you’re right that you can re-create the air fryer (as Claire called it, it truly is a mini-convection oven) without having to purchase another applicance. You just have to be careful to watch them as things burn very quickly.

I really don’t see how they could justify keeping Rowan over Mak. Mak did solid in the technical, gave them good biscuits in the showstopper, and really only flopped hard on the first challenge. Rowan did basically nothing well. I get that he’s fun and nice, but this is about the baking, supposedly...

For seven seasons of Mad Men coverage here people were sure that someone would jump out a window, and were sure that Pete Campbell’s rifle was Chekhov’s gun.

Don’t bring an Occam’s Razor to a Chekhov’s Gun fight!

I like Rowan a lot, but I was really sad to see Mak go because I feel like he had more to still show us. Plus, Rowan was bottom of the technical (never a good place to be) and didn’t do particularly well on the other two bakes.

I think the best surprise about Matt Lucas is that he’s more acidic than I would have guessed, not having seen a lot of his projects maybe I would know that but the fact that he’s willing to be a bit mean and also take the piss from Noel keeps people on their toes. Rowan and Linda have barely made a single thing

Why would COVID want revenge on Trump? He’s been one of its strongest supporters!

In case you are interested, one might be able to find The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice, on Reddit, in the subreddit: UKTVLAND. I hope it isn’t like Fight Club or I may be in trouble.

Holy shit, Boris Johnson is only in his 50s?!?!? Based on pictures I assumed he was late 60s at least.

Yeah, biding their time... biding... bidin’... Biden... JOE BIDEN IS A LIZARD PERSON CONFIRMED

Where is that slang for flatulence?  Not doubting you, I’ve just never heard that before (East Coast of USA).

My wife and I are both atheists. A couple of months ago she said that 2020 is evidence of a deity, because it feels like the first season after the original showrunner quit.

If you elected an idiot President in the first act, he has to cause the death of at least 200,000 Americans by the end

It should also not be confused with “laying it on way too thick,” which is the Hope-Hicks-is-named-HOPE-get-it? angle.