Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

Bitch, own your shit. You are gonna spend some time in jail and your fellow racist evil crackers aren’t gonna protect you from catching a shiv your first week there if you don’t man up and own what you did. Those boys behind bars an’t got not time for weekend warriors.

All those assholes in the grays who were going on about this being a hoax (because they think any claim of racism is a hoax) can choke heartily on a box of syphilitic dicks.

Yeah, “I acted out of character” is for when you’re drunk and dancing on a table.

“I’m extremely regretful of what I did,” Frederick said, AP reports. “I can say it’s not like me. I acted way out of character. This wasn’t about the color of anyone’s skin.”

“I’m extremely regretful of what I did,” Frederick said, AP reports. “I can say it’s not like me. I acted way out of character. This wasn’t about the color of anyone’s skin.”

I can’t speak on Aqua Teen, ( never watched show) But removing the Boondocks episode is so fucking stupid. So are we getting to the point where black people can’t make fun of racism? I bet a white person made this decision. 

Ah yes, the famously anti-Black show The Boondocks.

I bet nobody had “black man with alt-right haircut grifts BLM” on their 2020 Bingo card.

Again, I don’t think it’s “I hope people shut up about Rowling” so much as “I hope Rowling shuts up, because it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.”

Eh, I think in this case the approach is more “ugh, do we have to talk about Rowling again” rather than “do we have to talk about trans issues again”.

This was worth the read. Thanks.

“Everyone is being so mean to Rowling and we all should be much more respectful of her and appreciative of her work. Incidentally, production of Fantastic Beasts 3 is about to resume and it would make me and Rowling very happy if you could pay us all a lot of money to watch it soon.” -Eddie Redmayne

It’s nice when a bigot makes it very easy to boycott their stuff because their stuff is garbage these days.

he’s obviously an expert on the issue.
...being a cis man who played a trans woman in a movie.

This guy is a bad actor, always has been.

Kirsten Rausing of the food packaging company Tetra Pak is the richest woman in England. Rowling isn’t even in the top twenty five.

Won’t someone think of the richest woman in England? What about her feelings?

“I noticed several large sized contusions on both of her arms, her cheek and forehead,” Detective Steven Smith wrote in his report, according to the Miami Herald. “When I asked how she received the bruising, [she] stated Brad Parscale hits her.”

Trump blaming the Dems is predictable but hilariously ironic. After Tulsa, he threw Parscale out like a piece of garbage. Brad probably couldn’t handle the rejection.