Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop

I don’t think anyone actually watches this show. I keep hearing it exists, but have yet to hear any single person mention it outside of during awards shows.

More like Gooutsky Method, amiright?

Yet you know we’ll still hear people complaining about Mejia-Beal not being “appreciative” of the apology, nevermind the fact that it was only just barely able to appear to be one instead of actually being “I’m sorry for saying those abhorrent things about you”.

I’d like to think I’m pretty well educated with a BA and JD, but I have no idea what this means

My dog fell asleep with his head in my lap while we were watching this last night.  I don’t even want to know what kind of furry/hentai fetishes that qualifies me for.


One of the few concretely useful skills I learned in grad school was the ability to distinguish between clever arguments and genuinely good arguments. Like, yes, OK, great job playing with words, but it doesn’t really get at the substance of the issue.

“1000 people have written me about this issue and (no doubt) sent a photo. To prove this, here are two photos of the same defaced book.”

Thirst posting to try to boost your nonexistent book sales. Its gonna be a short but painful fall back into obscurity for Candace now that white people are done with her. Good thing Daimond and Silk are already there to cushion her fall.

1. Why did she post two slightly different photos of the same book?

So what is the idea here, that some Amazon employee, while moving literal mountains of merchandise from everywhere to everyone took one of their 2 minute potty breaks to find a jar of Vaseline (did they steal it from a different shipment, or bring their own for this dastardly deed) and covered her book with it, before

Please. Amazon warehouse workers barely have enough time to pee and eat, let alone smear crap all over a book....

Were all 1000 people named Shmandace Cowens? Because the only person I can imagine wanting to buy her book is herself

Y’all know good and got damb well she smeared those books herself and put the pics on Twitter to drum up publicity and sales. Stop playing.

She could claim Hillary Clinton appeared in a puff of smoke in her bedroom and say that she really does run a child sex ring and her idiot listeners would believe it. If this qanon bullshit has proved anything it’s that there’s a significant portion of the population that will believe literally anything.

About 1,000 people have written”

Yeah I worked at an Amazon FC for almost two years, people are too tired, over worked, and underpaid to care enough to do this. I mean a lot of people that work there wouldn’t even know who is anyway. Also do you know how much Trump shit I seen go thru that warehouse and not get damaged. She is lying. 

Considering that Amazon warehouses have more cameras per square foot then a back alley in China, this bitch is fibbing hardcore. Uncle Ruckus needs to come get his sister like yesterday.

The original song only mentions the date in the first line, so it seems better to keep repeating the date.