
Based on my interpretation of the trailer, those shadowy things look similar to the ones from Ghost. That's all I need to go on to form my opinion of this movie.

Well its somewhat pointless to argue about this so I'm not going to disagree any more... I will agree that there is definitely a big difference between a full-length film and weekly television episodes. For some reason wacky fake science works on the small screen (Twilight zone, star trek, outer limits, X-files,

My wife learned about the post-dated myth recently too. Most people don't know that they are considered fraud by the banks, so if someone asks for one kindly tell them to wait for it.

yeah, i rescind me entry in this contest (though will leave it posted for entertainment value only). Yours takes the cake, I'm sorry man I hope you can somehow get beyond this and try not to let it affect your mental and physical well-being too much)

Scotiabank... student loan... At the start of my last year (before quitting school) I was requested to bring in enrollment records to prove I was still a student in order to continue receiving interest relief and grace from repayment... counter rep had horrible english and after half hour of trying to explain I didn't

I was being only half facetious.

To be fair though, MS does have convoluted names for their products... maybe that is all the more reason there is so much hate for them :) personally though, I find microsoft products relevant, useful and affordable (as in free).

Yeah... if we lost gravity our planet would go supernova ;)

We'd die of asphyxiation long before dying of a sunburn. (I think).

The fictional science in Fringe is way more palatable than the senseless and backwards ideas surrounding some movie producers' fascination with the earth's rotation.

how about a sci-fi movie where the earth starts spinning faster? And everybody has to move away from the equator to avoid being flung off... And on the journey to the poles they have to deal with hungry polar bears and rabid penguins?

To me, when it comes to subdividing value on a rental, you can't really precisely measure it because all the variables are subjective to each party. Splitting up the rent doesn't fit a neat formula because each room-mate will have their preferences. Splitting the rent is a negotiation. And there are so many more

Everytime I read an article about any Microsoft product (hotmail, internet explorer, messenger, skydrive etc) it is always accompanied by some negative indicator. In this case I find it funny that Kevin points out how weird the name "Skydrive" is, but makes no comment about "Sorami".

Agree some people should lighten up, its a blog on the internet and really isn't critical at all, it's not an article in a science or medical journal. But as to the resumes you accept, seriously? "Most" have grammar and spelling mistakes? What is the world coming to ;) makes me think I'll be an outcast for making

If it really is "way out of your league" then the real problem is yet to come...

I'm sure they'll eventually come up with a way to force us to pay for a subscription to use it.

Probably just took his thesis and changed the dates and anecdotes to suit the current date! It's funny though because I've been saying the same thing for about 8 years, since a mechanical engineer I know (the lead design engineer for the research group at one of the largest mining companies) lectured me on this - he

As for the corrosive effects of oxygen - most experts think that speeding down the highway or braking abruptly does more damage than a few floating molecules.

Interestingly I tried this method with two bowls today, to see if I could cool off my son's Chicken noodle soup faster, and sure enough it was MEHHHHSYYYYY.

At one place I worked they had a dozen or so unused drafting tables in storage... after years of sitting there they decided to get rid of them and gave me first pick, so I took one that was in the best mechanical and esthetic condition, plus it had a high end drafting machine attached - scary to think of how many