
But that's a little more than a "brake job" though, isn't it? I agree that with fancier cars there are possibly more things that require maintenance, and that it may make sense to associate it with the brakes. But if it isnt physically part of the braking system I would record it as a separate entry in my vehicle

well put, I agree completely!

What I was trying to imply is that is if you DIY you are more likely to run into factors that you hadn't planned for... If I got CAA to fix it in the first place I wouldn't have had to pay the parking ticket, impound fee and subsequent towing fee, plus I wouldn't have been out the vehicle for several weeks. Even if I

I don't think its the primary reason, but is probably one of many, such as being able to hold the hot cup comfortably, catching spills, holding the spoon if you stir stuff into it, etc.

wouldn't it be less messy and atleast as efficient to just use an empty cup instead of the saucer?

I typically dislike American cheese too, except it does seem right for going on grilled cheese (especially velveeta!), probably because I was raised on it (same reason cambells tomato soup seems palatable). But now I usually use cheddar cause that's what I keep in the fridge. And as for the soup I just buy the store

Wasn't meaning to suggest you are doing anything wrong at all, or to put the welfare of others above your own family - I was just having a rant about public education. Sorry for hijacking your post, I just wish it was easier in this era of modern technology to spend more time and effort on the things that matter (like

Free market - if you think you'd be happier living somewhere else, then go for it. Or atleast try to negotiate what you think is a fair price - if something like this calculator helps you figure that out then use it, but personally if its my name on the lease and I decide to find a roomate I will dictate how much

why? The cost of parts aside, shouldn't the price of labour be based on the actual amount of time it costs the mechanic to do the job? Of course, a ferrari mechanic probably charges a higher rate than most other shops, but if it only takes a couple hours of labour whether or not you drive a focus ($90/hr at a ford

I've changed quite a few bulbs without bothering to disconnect the battery, but with newer systems who knows what circuits that could damage (if any).

I always try to fix my cars myself, then I break something which usually leads to it eventually being towed to the shop. So instead of just driving it to the shop it always ends up costing me the price of the tow, the price to fix whatever I broke, the lost time with a useable vehicle as it sits waiting for me to

When it comes to food I have a stubborn child, it's not that he's really picky just really inconsistent - something he loves this week he'll never touch again... And of course when he chooses to skip a meal (I can't even call it that, I have to call it a "snack" or he gets angry and) - force feeding isn't a useful

tomato soup and grilled cheese, one of my staples growing up!

How much homework does your 7 year old have to do? And if it requires all your spare time to help him in order for him to get it done, why does his school think its fair to burden parents with this extra responsibility... If I were you I'd have a PT meeting and say enough is enough, homework for grade 2 should be

Is the cost of a tattoo really what is keeping you from planning to get one, or are you just saying that to point out the financial aspects of this study? I'm as cheap and stingy as they come, but if a tattoo was something I really wanted a mere $300 is no obstacle, I'd just save for it. And if it's something I hadn't

looks like she's recruiting for Mary Kay

I'm still stuck at the whole reprise of the Diana 2.0 character... what's the point of the bringing Jane Badler into the mix and why has she been kept around for 15 years if she wasn't wanted? Yeah the same actress played a character with the same name, but before she was a sadistic commander who killed her way up the

yep its broke I just want to open then gawdurn image but can't. When I try to open in new tab it looks like it will work, it doesn't crash, but it just hangs there I guess it's trying to buffer the entire internet before displaying the jpg.

These 5 traits definitely do hold true, but I was surprised to not see any advice that says people at happy workplaces tend to, ya know, actually enjoy the work?

@ThistleDog: I haven't gone "anywhere on vacation" since high school either, and 20 year reunion is right around the corner. Great, now I'm depressed again (just like when I cried during the Carl and Ellie montage at the beginning of Pixar's Up)