
a laguage translator (the google one seems really good)

@prupert: I wonder about that too... there definitely needs to be some scalability, but it should all be built into a single stream of development - it probably means more work for developers and potentially cost passed onto customers, but two separate streams will never seamlessly overlap.

my step-mom-in-law bought a 27" imac and decided that everything was too small to read/see so she set the resolution down (from the 2560x1440 native) to some gawdawful low resolution. Sure it made the text and icons much bigger but was blurry and unsharp.

@Mike Egan: what if they intentionally put ads where they know where you will accidentally click them?

@Srndz: me too, sprinkle water lightly directly on face of bread, toast until it just starts to crisp and voila delicious second-life.

@yiff: I skip the spices + vanilla, and use very little milk, like 1 teaspoon per egg, sometimes I even use cream instead of milk.

@ImSpartacus: I think he meant perspiration, in which case the problem is still that of ventilation. If you can't get the moisture away from the skin your feet will have a hard time staying toasty.

@delightt: buy yourself a nicely bound hardcover version for your library, or keep it open face up on a podium like they do in movies.

It seems the only real way to block political discussion is to block the laws of physics and basic human nature. Yet governments still try. Way to win the hearts and minds of people there Mubarak.

@jmontana: no, older windoze PC and now that I recall it does this on another older PC I sometimes used. Both of those puters originally had XP and both were upgraded (ie not a clean install) to windows 7 ultimate. Awhile back I had signed up and played on an "Evony" account (and I thought had I wasted a lot of

Biggest consumer of power in my house is Firefox.

@Hangten: well that same argument still applies somewhat... but I guess if it catches on we'll se if it works or not.

@Wookielifeday: At first I was just going to concede your point then stop, but my crazy mind keeps going and I got to thinking what is it about 3D that someone would consider "unecessary".

@Xander: probably half my friends on FB label pictures of a pet, their infant baby, their favourite shoes, some celebrity etc with their own name, if one of those pics come up I'll be retrying several captchas before I get a usable one...

I have several local credit unions to choose from, and most offer competitive interest rates for savings accounts (but is so low anyway that is almost insignificant especially if you're like many and don't even have savings), but in other areas such as fees, borrowing interest rates, chequing account savings rates,

@nocturnal99: now that is a good question. It seems like small business banking is largely overlooked by consumer protection groups, and as my wife is learning with her startup there are few low-cost options (at least in my part of Canada) and the banks gladly gouge this part of their cusotmer base. (and you thought

@Wookielifeday: Well I could go into a theater and keep one eye closed and still experience both the narrative as well as the imagery just as well as if I had both eyes open... doesn't mean I want to - I got 2 eyes for a reason and dangit I want to use em both :)

@Wookielifeday: I agree good cinematography,or even just a good story can captivate a viewer equally as well. But visually they cant't match the field of depth capabilities from a sterographic setup. I'm not saying 3D is necessary, but it certainly can be an effective tool when yielded responsibly by the director.

@OldOne: Sound?! Color?! Blasphemy. I'm hoping this tinnitus in my right ear gets more intense and spreads to my left so I don't have to deal with that heinous gawdawful racket they pass off as entertainment these days. And I hope my son marries (or atleast procreates with) a color blind girl to propogate these

@Wookielifeday: For many viewers, and across many genres, movies are meant as an escape - often the whole point of storytelling is to reproduce an experience or present a fantasy that the viewer can picture themselves within. So for that purpose, 3D definitely can utilize our senses further to help make a film more