
Whatever they put in Popeye's cans of "spinach"

if you are seasoning new iron it does take enough oil that it would be smoky, and that burning oil scent would certainly contaminate the baking. If you are just maintaing the seasoning I wouldn't oil the cast iron until after the baking is done, you could even leave the cast iron in the oven during the baking to

is that called "rotoscoping"?

Should have just called it "Thunderhorses"

thinking of this guy

This is the same reason rainbows are bow shaped... I know exactly what happens in the gap - that's where the leprechauns are born.

It seems to me the optimal compromise would be a knee brace under the outside corner. (nothing to do with the knee of the person using the desk)

iyamdullaw hahaha

OMG, even the phone booth was covered in blood stain.

well true it "could" go on forever so that the richest bidder is the only one able to pony up, but I think anyone with a brain would realize that after $1.01 they are in the red whether they get the dollar or not and every further bid would only drive them further into the red. Any smart investor would stop at a buck

or a better alternative if you are looking to screw over the seller, is to agree that one of the buyers will buy the dollar for a penny, the other one bids zero, then you split up the proceeds equally and you each get 49.5 cents for free.

So the only one who wins this game is the one selling the original dollar, whom just about doubled his profit. (selling a dollar for $1.99)

That's my point of contention too... my "old desktop PC's" are P4 vintage or earlier, in the winter I don't mind using them as a space heater too, but the cost of electricity to run it would probably pay for a dedicated NAS after a couple years.

Valentine Michael Smith? Doctor Manhattan? Charles Xavier? Hari Seldon? Ender Wiggins (moreso in the sequels)? Pretty much any intellectual protagonist with superpower smarts can fit in this category.

live free or die hard

Hank Scorpio: Uh, hi, Homer. What can I do for you?

I was pretty horrified, when after I married my wife learned that she pees in the pool almost every time she goes swimming, and not because of poor bladder control, she actually feels more comfortable going in the pool than the restroom, and so would hold it until she got in. Yuck! I'd have a hard enough time doing

Personally I hope flexibility the likes of Elastigirl is plausible.

This is all so confusing, primarily because when you start talking about the "shape of the universe" it quickly becomes unclear if you mean the 3D, volumetric shape, or if you are talking about higher-dimensional "shapes" Just as there is a difference between the 2D topology and 3D geometry.

All this is creating is an artifically selected future generation of smarter, trap-proof mice.