
@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: what if the "wrath" part referred to something scatological though? If that were the case I wouldn't watch it (same reason I won't watch human centipede)

I find it a funny state of affairs when we have to premix something as simple as cocao, sugar and milk.

@Criosphynx: People in the field always tell us office folk we don't know real work, but us office workers are the ones literally sacrificing our lives in the line of duty ;)

@MaximKat: whadya know, it turns out our very own bodies are the best pharmaceutical factory after all!

@Arsnof: you mean he DOESN'T have superpowers now.

At some point along the path to a Star Trekkian like uptopia, we will need a central government to link all of our identities.

when I get stuck in sudoku I just put 8's in every empty box and consider it done.

@VolumePlus: awesome pic, can't tell where the computer ends and the desert begins!

@mnemonicj: regular air filters don't really affect moisture content of the air, for that you'd need a special dryer, such as a dessicant filter.

@digerati: actually, good point - the problem isn't that the cold dry air from outside would introduce any moisture, but condensation or even frost would form where the warm moist air already inside house comes into contact with any uninsulated and chilled ductwork or computer components.

@choofly: me too - come tax time the LR floor is where you will find me, and I'll have papers stacked and sorted in a 360deg circle around me.

@Platypus Man: oh yeah, kasha the food! I just finished a box of kasha crunch cereal last week, slipped my mind.

A storm was going through the area? Hailstones?

@silomunke: thanks for the comedic relief, I got a chuckle from that :)

@Platypus Man: that's what I was led to believe, except she already put out some video clip explaining how to pronounce it properly, and its basically like you had it - "keh-shuh", and who is anybody else to disagree...

@Cj Griesmeyer: my sentiments too, with blogging, tweeting, digging etc etc, the way pages are indexed means search providers need to come up with better ways to get at the source content. I hate trying to search for some piece of information only to have pages of search results with dozens of different websites all

@branchedout: My experience was the inverse of yours - was amazed when I first used webcrawler, then became adamant metacrawler user, but when google came out I immediately jumped aboard. Today I hate google, however I think it's more the nature of the internet than anything to do with any particular search engine.

@Platypus Man: maybe, but everyone I ever hear, including radio announcers, teens on the bus, and... well I guess those are the only ones I ever hear talking bout her, they all say cash-a.

@Dregas: cuz its so hard, hard, hard hard hard.