
They should turn the beam using a prism and really large pipe wrench onto an arc reactor and make a new triangular shaped element to replace palladium as a toxin-free nuclear fuel source.

Why I do what I do? Necessity.

@Vextoz: kk guess I meant to say if he's "picked up" any talent since B&T.

@EdgarJPublius: plus he has the right surname for the franchise :)

@Vextoz: me too, am curious to see if there have been any noticeable improvements in his acting talent since oh so long ago.

@NiTeShADe: lol, my mom came for a visit and stayed with us for a week. One day she asked where our ironing board was, but I couldn't find it. My wife didn't even know we had one. A few months later I did find the ironing board at the back of our foyer closet, and there it still remains to this day.

This brings back undesirable memories of being taken to Sunday school with damp collars and cuffs. :(

This mad scientist smackdown is a neat idea, but I haven't been following and have no idea what the rules are - what exactly are we voting on? Evilness? Which would win a fight - of wits? ingenuity? Shear Lunacy? Throw me a bone here ;)

Firefly? At least for the "Shows that got some resolution after cancellation" category.

Surprised The Net wasn't on the list - there was some hacking going on in there.

Most dictators are men. Most men that had that much power would simply refuse child rearing, thus their evenings are free to peruse the fish market.

@capnrob: this is the answer I knew i'd find if I drilled down! You put it almost exactly as I'd have too.

@strideo: I've tried scrubbing it from my own memory and have only been somewhat succesful - I'm still hopeful the theory that what has been seen cannot be unseen can be dispelled.

@Annalee Newitz: I'm still confused on whether I should say "the web" or "the internet"? Which one is apropo? (and yes I understand the difference, but for most people's purposes I think they could be used interchangeably)

@Feyhra: Global Dynamics in the town of Eureka also almost did this (accidentally) with an ionosphere-something-or-another death ray. They fortunately managed to miss the mirrors that were intended to reflect the ray back to earth, however they took out the Galileo spacecraft orbiting Jupiter. true story.

Surprised to not see Battlefield Earth, Catwoman or Pluto Nash this far down in the ratings.

@Derek Pegritz: careful you could get banned for a comment like that! (just pretend you were being sarcastic)

this study was certainly not sponsored by anyone in the oyster industry