
ha! cool... I just noticed that the light seeping through the cracks and reflecting on the floor makes an upside down cross (as intended I'm sure). Also, devil spelled backwards is "lived", so maybe, like others said the people on the elevator are no longer alive.

@gemcosta: brand new bath towels are too linty (not the kind of fibre we want in our food :)

@rikarus: I'm liking this idea of 80's board-game inspired movies, at least better than the worn-out trends of remakes and sequels.

Sounds a litte "meet the spartans" ish, no?

@Fierock: oh, nevermind I see where I made a typo/grammatical error, should have said "(but not too much otherwise the show feels too exploitive). "

@JesusDeSaad: "That's just you projecting your desires." Then so be it - more slaying, more sex, less everything else.

3 weeks (15 days) as per provincial legislation, plus of course 12 stat holidays, and a nice little benefit of 1.25 sick days per month (which strangely we're not actually allowed to completely use but which are unconditionally acculmulative and paid out upon termination).

@roninpenguin: really!? once again cool, you are a treasure trove of invalulable information!

@roninpenguin: really!? once again cool, you are a treasure trove of invaulable information!

@chrissy81981: maybe you can exempt certain executables from getting reported, then it would make you feel much better :)

@roninpenguin: cool (well a hair less warmer anyway :), I never really paid much attention to what the actual differences were on the "long-life" bulbs.

So its thermal stress.

Sookie has all these amazing super powers...but we rarely even get a glimpse.

This study didn't really look at how mosquitos might have adapted, or are adapting to depend on the other olfactory sense, it simply acknowledges its existence.

The man in 19 has the same genitals as the woman in 16

@galfridus73: iPod touch with 3G? sounds just like an iPad, only smaller ;)

@EustaceTheDragon: hmm I was still using my Dell Axim to do those same things... that is until it was stolen along with the rest of the gear in my backpack last week.

As awesome as always-available connectivity is, for me I just can't justify the cost of a mobility data plan.

@Arken: I wasn't trying to endorse them or anything, they just happened to be high on the search results... feel free to lookup the ingredients on your brand of dryer sheets, I'm sure many if the ones I listed will be present.

@jswilson64: to be clear I was talking about toxicity - and I seriously doubt many of those 3308 deaths were caused by either water intoxication or by doing laundry.