
@Master S: adrenaline does wonders for your flight reflex. Doesn't work for zombies tho - those basterds are relentless.

The above list is just a partial one — I'm pretty sure there have been other low-budget time-travel films mentioned lately, but I couldn't dig them up.:

@Devon Lehman: yep first thing I noticed missing from the list of low budget time travel sfi-fi flicks

Lansa handles = $8 ea

meh, please spoil it so that I don't have to actually watch it to know.

Wow, this post made me do some googling. I never realized there were so many differentiations between one nighters, booty calls, fuck buddies and friends with benefits.

@Bazzed: so again, how is it different than marriage?

@Pittsburghmuggle: The most irritating thing about ET for Atari 2600 is that it outlasted all my other game cartridges, so sadly was the last game that ever got played on that system. Why couldn't it have been Combat, Missile Command, Warlords, or even realsports baseball?

@Derfel: girliest: coors light, second girliest: budweiser, next in descending order of obscurity (ie Molson Canadian is more girly than lucky lager with is more girly than Old Vienna)

@mountainpete: the thing is its only necessary for the last bottle in the case, since you can just use another capped bottle to open em with

In my whole life I've only gone through maybe 3 or 4 spindle cases. I still have a 100pk spindle that still has about 50CDs and I have a 25pk spindle that still has almost all its blank DVDs. I also have one used spindle case that I use to hold all the loose discs that have accumulated.

@BlueLightRosie: I keep thinking Streethawk's gonna go get some bad guys.

@ShanaLD: I think the split is somewhere between 76 and 78, since I never liked Jem, but my younger brother loved it (and he's never been the kind of guy that you'd expect that from)

@kleer001: I read the text, but skipped over the photos. And there was no way I was going to actually play the videos (that is a direct portal for the demons to enter into)