
@Ex Parrot Machina: I have no doubt I saw some type of aircraft and it would be foolish to speculate aliens are involved, though based on its size and motion it has opened my eyes up to the possibility of black ops and all that implies... This was in Saskatchewan exactly a decade ago. Shortly after I bought a house

@Ex Parrot Machina: I'm not an aircraft nerd, yet already knew there were delta-wing aircraft. But what I saw was either very slow (it was travelling about 2 lengths of its body every second) or very large (hard to guage size and height, but it was about a thumbs-width at arms length, and disappeared in or above a

@8x10: that'd be cool

@Fierock: Heck, why not make LOTR a prehistoric sequel to SW? No reason why Middle Earth couldn't have been on Naboo or Coruscant - Maybe wookies are the descendants of Hobbits, changed over time by the effects of entwater, or the spice Melange (oh man its happening, all the sci-fi is blending together in my mind

BattleStar Galactic Wars...

pft, lightsabers - definitely not possible to have a weapon made from light. In fact "light" doesn't even exist, it is just a frequency being emitted in the EM field that happens to coincide with matter and stuff. It just so happens that our organs/cells (rods and cones) have evolved in a way that detects it as

@angusr: Well I used to dismiss them too until I saw with my very own eyes the notorius black delta... (which, based on my cursary look throught the NUFORC reports, probably accounts for 1/3rd of sightings in the past decade). I can't speculate as to other types of sightings, but I now think that many reports of

@RogueRage: shudder... I couldn't sleep for weeks after watching that scene, still don't think I've ever felt unafraid since then.

first: those are awesome - if these came out 15 years ago there is no way we'd believe they were fake and it could have shaped the entire population into something different.

@D Israel: Well, Brzezinski is the unwitting father of Al-Qaeda... which is maybe why he is proud of their regime...

maybe inject a little deet into the misters and could actually keep some of these mosquitoes away. It's way too humid and infested for me to consider adding more moisture to the air...

@Lars: A/C... brother in law claims they never need it on the west coast, of course whenever we visit it is usually during the annual month long hot spell in July/August and everyone is cranky, sweaty and miserable :)

@simonbarsinister: I don't disagree with you, but I'm sure there are many curators and antique collectors that would ;)

When I need to cool down in a hurry I just hang out in the basement rec room for awhile.

@Edfire77: Agreed, after a cool shower on a hot day it feels like a swim in the lake, but cleaner.

@Platypus Man: I don't own a PS3 but was checking out the demo unit at Walmart and the aux. fan that is built into the display cabinet was kicking out an unbelievable amount of hot air - you could feel it from about a 5 foot circle.

@Lars: That trick can work pretty good - it still tends to get unbearably warm in the late afternoon, if summers in Saskatchewan lasted more than 3 months I'd possibly be able to acclimatize to it a little better (in fact I love the heat, but is still takes getting used to)

@artistpavel: which part of Canada are you thinking of? Maybe stays cool in Nunavut/NWT/Yukon and on the coast(s), but if you are trying to save energy costs on climate control Canada is generally not a wise pick.

@infmom: same for my wife... she's very emotionally attached to her stuff and I don't have the heart to get rid of it behind her back...

So basically get rid of everything with sentimental value unless it has some practical worth?