
@Mecharine: Actually not a bad idea (for TS or cars? - either would work). The only problem I see with that is Pixar not having the budget (designer-wise or financially) to be able to make a weekly series up to their standards.

@jamesryan: I agree sequels are drab, but if anyone can do a sequel right, it must be Pixar...

@sephycloneno15: "After Syndrome, what kind of villain could really put up a threat to the family "

I'm so confused, good dad? bad dad? At first I thought this would list 10 of each, but then I was reading and couldn't figure out which were the good ones, so it dawned on me that this must mean dads that are both the best and the worst simultaneously. But no my original guess was supposed to be right :?

@Fierock: Alternatively, as demonstrated in an episode of The Simpsons, in the alternate reel, Chewbacca was Luke and Leia's father.

@mmoss: so you agree with me then, Jar jar is Luke's father ;)

@djblois: in a way even Bill Gates condones piracy because they know that people familiarizing themselves with MS Office at home means the software will proliferate in the commercial world. Same reason photoshop has become what it is...

@masterofTHUMBS: but does your dad's work's license agreement allow for a seat of the software installed on employees home computers? If not then it is pirated, though many enterprise agreements include this kind of use (and just because it doesn't need a key doesn't mean it isn't under copyright).

Wait, whAT!?

@siczar: and in getting the stones out of the plot it should be mired in tragedy, they could use the opportunity to swap out a cast member. e.g. have a power surge of some sort that burns up the stones, but in the process not only swaps the user's consciousness, but their actually body too.

@Vulcan Has No Moon: Agree it would be good if Chloe died, but would have been rewarding if Eli at least lost his virginity with her first. Maybe rewarding the viewer isn't how they want to engage us though.

Why do all vortexes terminate in Central Park, why not in some ditch near a farm in Iowa?

@Rtrain: Wonder what happens when you eat the blue pill AND the red pill?

@naru: lol, would still be kind of fun to ride on though...

Green codes are actually 2D pixels on a screen - the idea of them whipping off the screen is stupid (unless maybe that's how Neo's visual cortex interprets the code)...

You mean when its checkmate your piece doesn't actually go knock over the king?

Funny that this article talks about spending your monkeys - I was going to take my son to the zoo on Saturday but he was having a connoption fit, and last time we went he only lasted about 20 minutes, and not even the monkeys made him want to stay. So this time, when I got to the gate I simply turned around instead

@vinylrake: : If the fact that this person is the only one who I've ever had any true hatred for makes me bias than I'll admit I am. I don't think its illustrative of anything, I certainly am not really concerned with anyone else's weight or appearance (and don't obsess over mine).