
@Goatse Fan Fiction: lol, and the only way to know for sure is to press both? But how do the electronics work, does the no button light a fire every time? Maybe it's really the technicians who are being observed for their morality, and the meat puppets are simply secondary (in fact I think that is part of the plot

I guess the moral (while in the cube) is not just say "yes" you believe in god, but say "yes" to everything you are asked. Since there is only one set of yes/no buttons, whatever question you say no to will always get you cooked.

@vinylrake: actually by "big fat cow" I meant personality wise. In fact she was a normal sized person. If her crappy personality didn't ooze out of her pores like it did a person may actually have considered her attractive.

And also, when you are not stuck to a plot line it is easier to find inspiration using hallucinogens.

@iamjames: reminds me of the healthy choice pudding airmiles guy whose story was rehashed in Punch-Drunk Love.

@Mickets: at one place I worked there was a position they were frequently trying to recruit employees for. It was a very, very rigorous process - drivers history, criminal background check, 4 personal references, 4 professional references (all references were followed up, and when one was unavailable they'd ask for

@Fixta Fernback: good advice - I interviewed with a small branch in a larger engineering company, and they touted that they have offices all over and I expressed some interest in the potential chance to relocate someday... I later found out from a colleague who interviewed there after mine (and must have had a better

@sardonicbastard: I was actually excited when she brought this home because I was originally mezmerized by the infomercials - so many things I can make! When I opened the box and saw all the individual attachments is when the skepticism began, and I still haven't really made much with it yet.

The mere mention of a main character having a disability is in itself a plot device. So really, the only example of such a story that Redstone is seeking is one where no mention of a physical trait is made, leaving it completely unbeknownst to the reader if character is in fact disabled. Of course this would mean

The funny thing about that video is that the footage from behind showing the videographer walking was more steady than the footage using the actual stabilizer. (ok maybe not as "smooth" but a lot less side-to-side motion/tilting.)

My wife bought me "the magic bullet" kitchen blender thing, along with the juicer, large blender cup, two blades, four cups, cup rings, extra rubber seals etc etc.... It works ok and I use it for making frosty drinks, pesto, smoothies etc, but mostly just to make her feel better about wasting our hard earned money.

They can basically just use the script from the most recent Vincent Van Goff episode but rewrite it for Gaga - she wouldn't even have to act, just be herself, but in the future (as the greatest pop artist that ever there was)... it would be kind of like B&T's excellent adventure, Wyld Stallyns - party on dude!

@bdgbill: agreed, living at work drove me to the brink - long hours starts as a freedom but soon becomes a habit/obligation. Now I'm back in an office, trying to restore the healthy work attitude I had before my venture into the world of telecommuting chipped away at my soul :)

The ones who take this test are in the midst of a procrastination event.

@the_amazing_doug: a piece of "charcoal" about the diameter of a "cigarette" (factory made, or hand-rolled)? ;)

"Using a tripod, monopod, or other bulky stabilization device is usually overkill for most situations."

@EmmaFrost: its easy to point out examples of things that are mislabled as irony, but can anyone actually provide a good example of irony?? I know I can't.