
@anomaly_kid: I agree, you said exactly what I was thinking. If an adverb adds value to the statement I don't consider it redundant. I disagree with most of Charlie's examples of poor adverbs, but thats just my own opinion from a reader's perspective.

still lifehackered.

@Prismatist: yes you are right, I was careless in my comments - for some reason I have always confused the accumulator (on those cars that use orifice tube system) with the evaporator (maybe because its on the low side and I've actually seen frost buildup on them before).

In my off hours as a eng. tech, I freelance as a diaper changer, childcare provider, cook, dishwasher, handyman, mechanic and housecleaner.

Having a remote starter definitely helps take care of the problem in cold climates. When remote start is unavailable I like to leave the inside of the cab (and windshield) as cold as possible until the water in the cooling system has warmed up, so I leave the fan off until its warm enough to wick the moisture away.

@jetRink: regarding the dripping... I believe you are right that some of the water that puddles underneath the car is moisture pulled from the warm air inside the vehicle at the condenser (and sent out the drain tube). But if the temp and humidity inside and outside is the same there will also be an equal amount of

@cassah: I disagree - perhaps for some cars this works but I experimented with that in my old Corolla and the visors down just impeded the airflow so the moist air against the glass couldn't be displaced by the dryer air coming from the vent.

@EveCachaa: are you speaking from experience??

@NorwoodIsMyHero: getting banned from giz isn't saying much these days(I lost my commenting ability for some reason, didn' even get munged first and Brian even refused to explain why). But there certainly are some persistent anti-MS trolls there, just asking to get banhammered.

Seeing as its -25C outside and so many people have been late for work because their car wouldn't start ,I have an automotive battery tip for those in cold climates - get an electrified insulated battery blanket that wraps around it. If you live in cold climates you probably plug the block heater in anyways so its no

@DssTrainer: depends on the household - many electronic toys for toddlers (ride-ons etc) use C cells when they very easily could have been designed to use D ones. And except for some home theater remotes most everything that should fit the cheaper AA cells use the more expensive AAA cells.

@Garrett Llewellyn: assuming you put that borrowing to good use and now have the credentials to land a lucrative career, you pay it back the same way: pay yourself a little first then payoff your debts as much as you can each payday, focussing on the highest interest charge ones first.

remember the days when you bought a new keyboard and they included a rigid or flexible clear plastic cover in the box?

Since we're talking science fiction books, I nominate Jesus (New Testament of Bible) - he was one badass mofo, rebel with a cause.

if you are going to the trouble of attaching magnets, why not just stick em to a metal rod and slide the rod where you would otherwise slide the nozzle of the vaccuum. In fact you can buy such a specific magnet rod at any hardware store.

about two months ago I got fed up with AVG's nag screen and the error messages about databases not being able to update. It used to be great before version 8, so I decided to try avast and don't like the way it works and the amount of time and memory it uses to scan. So i'll try out MSE. #antivirus

err, double post sorry

why not just the old 1/4" dia hole in a piece of wood trick? #clutter

@bobbo33: interestingly, today the WHO is looking at research suggesting that seasonal flu shot will leave people more susceptible to H1N1. Health Canada is even considering changing their seasonal flu vaccine campaign to encourage people to take the H1N1 shot instead.

@ThinkerTDM: or alternatively if you already get the flu vaccine you could try without.