
no mention of geometry in this "DIY" video...maybe it has all the basic parts of a minimalist tilt-shift, but how far from sensor must inner lens element be to achieve usable focus range and keep the image circle on the sensor? Are those sample images in the video taken with this lens setup?

@onlysublime: I learned that at the Body Wars ride/exhibit at Disneyworld in '91. really cool ride (I wonder if it is stil there?)

Giving a grand total of $60.85 (plus tax, tip, license, registration, etc.) and some elbow grease.

@Tito: sounds just like me, in fact as soon as I read the headline I guessed correctly that it is the exact same design as one I followed in gr.3... every time it gets a gust it gains altitude and the bloody thing wouldn't come down even after more than 4 minutes - the class bell rang but I decided this was way too

@jbl429: it's not flawed at all... but to get an estimate of the size of your target you need to utilize some basic visual cues, such as knowing that standard doors are usually 6'-8", many pickup trucks have an 8' box, a typical male human stands a little under 6' etc. for larger references, many road tractors have a

important to remember (for shorter distances particularly) that the distance to the target is measured to your thumb, not your eye

@aandroyd: I find myself field measuring equipment in refineries often, and that's the trick I use to estimate and get bearings of things I can't reach (too far overhead, etc.)

@moe52: But don't most homoewner policies include liability (mine does)? And shouldn't renter's not need liability insurance since the landlord is almost always liable? Which would explain why renters insurance is much cheaper...

@Fierock: err, i meant "cut the old way"

@jayteemo: I will sometimes be an ass and ask for a U-cut. the kids these days have no idea what I'm talking about.

@dsh: mmm, I haven't had a hot sub in years. I will take care of this problem this evening.

@Platypus Man: or in other words, Pluto has a chance at becoming a planet again...

@ddthesm: agreed, I'll just get the free version that has no DRM thanks...

@mac-phisto: that's a good one... I only got 61 on my first try - I could probably do a little better now that I know what to expect, but it just seems like too much work so I'm not going to bother!

@elfchick: I don't think it was designed to be a test of "multi-tasking" it was just a test of concentration and working memory. A test of multitasking would be asking someone to rub their tummy and pat their head at the same time, and slowly add on other tasks, like tapping a foot, whistling, winking etc.

a large part of the reason I've never, ever, had a cell phone plan is specifically because the voice quality is so crappy. I had an original motorola flip phone that was gifted to me by my grandfather a few years ago and the analog signal made for great voice quality - while technically analog is supposedly inferior

@planetarian: well obviously he has been content using it so far, so it's not really obsolete is it? I hardly think a new Windows Movie Maker is the app that will officially end XP's usefulness.

seems overly calculated to me. If I really need to I'll just look in the paper or a weather site to check the exact sunset and make sure to be where I want to an hour or so before then.