
The coolest thing I've seen used cd's and spindles used for is a boundary layer turbine (tesla turbine), like mrfixitrick created:

@TheOtherHalf: and when they walk that way they talk that way too... with those pseudo-intellectual halfway-british/wannabe-old-english accents - that's my main reason for avoiding amateur theatre.

@DMSaruman: I dunno, does it? I guess looking at all the smiling portrait shots I see the teeth are slightly open, and usually the bottom ones are obscured behind the lower lip. Occasionally I see a little tongue in there, but mostly not, plus it feels awkward behind the upper teeth, so it must be behind the bottom

"Specifically, you should look to put your tongue behind your teeth and smile..."

Jujubes and corn chips are the two best driving foods:

never put salt in your eyes.

@Buddha916: I think you meant to direct that comment at me? Anyway I agree that a "good" DJ can make a party great, but in the dozens of weddings I've been to over the years I have yet to come across a standout one. Complaining about how bad the DJ was is one of the most common conversations I overhear after most

@Mighty72: If you've already arrived at the point of infinite debtload (or whatever financial advisors call it) I say up your credit limits as high as they'll let you, cash out and make a run for it!

@webscathe: yeah tried it, didn't like the fact that there is minimum monthly purchase and high shipping costs. Some of their product is good (Sol-u-guard and sol-u-mel cleaners) but most of the rest still have unnecessary carcinogenic or toxic ingredients. Though it is better than most store bought stuff we

As a colorblind guy with a recently rekindled interest in web design, this is awesome! Creating a color palette is the most intimidating part to me because it sets the tone and can make or break a good design. Despite my color deficiencies I can just tell when the colors jive - and I like what I see from the

@mike_311: A good DJ can definitely add value to the reception. But make sure to research the one you hire because I've seen some tragic dance floor clearing from lousy DJs. For my family and in-laws, with deep Mennonite roots (no dance abilities, rhythm or desire to make asses of themselves in front of everyone) a

@Chadams28: as appalling as it may be to some, my wife had a pink wedding dress!

My wife has tried getting as many carcinogens out of our home as possible, and has come up with options very similar to this article.

So many people (women especially) have a grand, fantastic, impossible expectation of the emotions they will experience that day. Unless you have an army of personal servants the biggest emotion you will feel that day is exhaustion!

@Fierock: well i just got up on the ladder and peeked in there - tons of insulation (10" to 12") and tons of passive ventilation (gables/soffits + roof vents) in fact it was kinda windy up there. I think it is the nature of a two-storey house, plus a HVAC design deficiency (inadequate supply air ducting).

@polobunny: Yeah I guess unless you actually start measuring you can't make broad statements as to which is more efficient since it depends on many factors (such as insulation properties, CFM of a/c system, amount of time spent indoors, temp & humidity etc.) From my perspective I have a two stage fan in my system

@elsifer: Thanks for the suggestion, I've been waiting for an excuse to peek in there. It was very cozy upstairs this past winter, even in -40C weather so insulation should be fine, maybe its just too airtight. Maybe ventilation is the issue like you say (even though its a brand new house they do tend to cut corners

@korpo53: or do like me and pretend to like the food, keep the money in the bank.

In my last, non-A/C, house, I found the cold shower trick to be a great solution - it is invigorating and can keep you cool for hours, even until sunset if you are lazy enough. The other nice thing about sunset is the wind it seems to generate - open a window in the back and a window in the front and it vents the