There are people who serve jail time and have criminal records because some 18 year old had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend he met through school and her parents are vindictive assholes.
There are people who serve jail time and have criminal records because some 18 year old had sex with his 15 year old girlfriend he met through school and her parents are vindictive assholes.
I’m a feminist and I support reproductive rights and I don’t think that sex work, or prostitution, is an awesome career choice that we should all celebrate. No. No No. I’m in favor of whatever social services can make sex workers safe and preserve their health. I will advocate for all the girls and women who deal in…
Once again jezebel, third-wave rag, writes about sex worker by featuring white, well-paid, women. A woman who would have other economic options. Never the women in brothels who are billed for every tampon they use and leave more broken and (literally) broke than when they entered. Or the numerous places where sex work…
Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.
So trans identified men need to be housed seperately due to threat of rape... but these same trans identified men are a-okay gold star awesome for threatening to rape others?
From the Ft Worth Star-Telegram:
“The Plaintiffs have been forced to share intimate facilities with men, who allege they are women,” the Feb. 15 complaint states. “These men openly express their sexual desire for the women inmates, at times, in the showers, and bathrooms, while women are naked or partially clothed.
I can see both sides here and while I sympathise for transwomen in this situation, it is being caused by the behaviour of natal men being violent and aggressive towards them, yet the solution is that vulnerable natal women are expected to shut up and move over despite feeling uncomfortable sharing facilities with…
Why do you have a problem with xxfemales being safe and not raped why dont you care about womxn and girls? Bc they are real females
What are you talking about? If being accused of being a man was women’s biggest problem then sexism would be over. Oh, shit someone said I was a man, how sexist!
There is no such thing as ‘Cis privilege’ for women. Female foetuses are more likely to be aborted. Women do not have privilege over transwomen.
Well I guess I’m a transphobe. Transwomen are a type of biological man. Transmen are a type of biological woman.
Yes, I didn’t like how this was glossed over at the end of the article in the section about “inclusive” language.
I am beginning to feel uncomfortable with what seems like an attempt to erase women, or biologically female humans, from things that only biologically female humans do. Biologically female humans have the babies, and we can’t pretend like there is no such thing as a female human or a male human—even if people who are…
If only the P.R. spent on this could be spent getting a couple of dozen little girls off the street.
...And also pretty conclusively shows that she has not actually been in solitary for 20 years.
Yeah, right. Who are you gonna believe: a gang-banger who’d already been tried for a previous case of arson and murder, or all the people who testified that he and his partner had bragged about torturing and murdering a little kid? And who then grinned all the way through the trial?
JFC! And even if she didn’t do it, she’s still allowing a rapist/murderer to go free by not “snitching” so screw her if she thinks that makes her honourable. It does not.
From the NY Times, August 30, 1993:
“ Morales, 22, and Franco, 24, appeared unmoved as Bronx Supreme Court Justice Martin Marcus sentenced them to 25 years to life for the 1993 slaying. Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said the two held the girl captive in a Hunts Point apartment, Morales raping her and repeatedly slashing her body. Franco was charged…
How ass-backwards do you have to be as a feminists to promote a child rapist and murderer on your site Jezebel?