
Pinkham’s Law bringing out burner lawyers. This is amazing.

Yeah exactly. Real talk: we went to the same high school. You were three (I think?) grades above me. So you know how it is. People who are nice, but also totally not nice because they're racist / classist / sexist / think Prop 1 is about bathrooms.

yeah, agree. my houston high school’s pipeline to SMU was very large, and includes several good friends who are lovely and ostensibly kind-hearted and nevertheless still whisper the word “black” and wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with black people

I grew up with several girls who went on to join sororities at SMU and let me tell you, every single one of them posts victim-blaming posts in response to police violence against people of color, even about the girl from Spring Valley. So yeah, rich white 19 year olds in Dallas are racist, and go on to be rich white

Others replied that I was being a dick for not thinking it was funny.

Hahaha! I figure any boy over the age of about 3 months knows he has one! I think they discover the penis before they discover their hands, don’t they? (I only have a daughter, and I have walked in on her masturbating several times since she was about 3 ... she didn’t know it was “wrong” to hump the edge of the sofa

I have a twelve year old boy, and I can assure you that he knows he has one.

18th and 19th century ladies clearly had the equivalent of a porn buddy...someone who, in the event of your death, would quietly sneak over and dispose of anything undignified before anyone else goes through your things.

You look at the data and the research, and there’s a new Harvard study out that shows that there is no racism in the hearts of police officers

Yeah we should just start body slamming children who don't listen. That will teach them.

Imagine if an African American security officer did this to a white high school student.

“My kid wouldn’t BE in that situation, because we raised him/her the right way

Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.

Now, Edward R. Burrow? That would be a good hamster name. I cannot type “hamster” without trying to spell it “hampster."

I know! It’s not even a pun! Why not just name it Edward R Murrow.

And if they did not do it intentionally, how did they accidentally come up with Harris Faulkner.

It doesn’t look anything like her. But are toy hamsters a thing? Who wants a toy hamster? And why did they name their toy hamster Harris Faulkner? Aren’t hamsters usually named things like Whiskers and Maximillian von Furry?

OK but for real though, WHY did they name the hamster after her in the first place!?

I can’t wait until every one of their daughters grow up and turn into Commie Liberal Pinkos to get back at them.

Candy Corn is terrible. Starburst candy corn is incredible. They shouldn't even call it candy corn because it's starbursts in candy corn shape and maaaaaaaaaaan it's magnificent.