
as someone on a pretty strict budget, the amount I could afford to give in cash would be embarrassingly small. I usually try to give presents that are more valuable to the recipient than they cost me (i.e. something personal connections, knowledge, or skills make more accessible to me than to them) to get the most

My mom still doesn’t know how to swim because alligators colonized the poorly-considered community pool when she was supposed to learn. And we’re a multi-generational Navy family. Yeah. tl;dr- mother didn’t join the Navy cuz alligators-in-water phobia

maybe NK actually allocates sufficient funds to maintain their capital city’s infrastructure and basic municipal services. #taxationwithoutrepresentation

it was still malarial, though #pestilentialpocosin

Now that I know it was in one of their resort areas, not the actual park, this is way less surprising. And, yeah, there should have been an alligator warning, but there are alligators in ponds from the Carolinas south, and it should have been a common sense thing to look out for. I’m sure Disney will settle, but

if it’s a knife you carry everywhere and therefore already in your pocket. I don’t believe his excuse, but I’ve had knives fall out of my pockets when rushing to use the bathroom before.

That seems like a roundabout way to get out of a speeding ticket.

maybe the policy is unevenly enforced, but I have definitely been served at more than one McDonald’s location when on foot in the drive through.

And for people in low tax brackets, the Saver’s Credit is supposed to do that, but it’s been restricted and crippled to the point of uselessness.

I don’t think they have a case. I’m not a lawyer, but I think that people are allowed to discriminate re: renters if they share the space. So, if the listing was for a room in their house, the hosts can refuse to rent to whoever they want to; however, if it were a separate apartment or house that the hosts didn’t live

People’s fertility decisions and capabilities are their own business, but I’ve always thought it was odd how people try IVF etc. before adoption. Given a choice between giving an already existing kid a home vs an expensive medical intervention that may or may not work, I think I would spend my time and money on the

Starring B.D. Wong!

that image brightened my day. Thank you.

hehe OMG

Especially because, after the adjustment period of finding fun things to do within your budget (or buying the equipment for fun things with lower marginal costs, like tools, sports equipment, board games, etc.) you probably have a much better idea of which fun things fit within your budget than they do. . There are

with that said, a friend of mine who was there and who happens to be Asian kept getting mistaken for B.D. Wong. He looks nothing like B.D. Wong. (and is also more than 2 decades younger than him....)

There’s also the inherent awkwardness of laughing at a racism joke on national TV with your coworkers and bosses and potential future coworkers and bosses, in an industry with few jobs, in a very politically-conscious setting....

I like CSPAN, but his HDMI1 joke cracked me up

Because one is a parent and one was a child. I’m not saying that children can’t physically hurt their parents, but it’s the adults’ job to take control of that shit, or ask for help if they can’t.

Now, if the illustration’s 60's mom could show me how she’s levitating that baby, that would be a cool trick.