
ehhh, I have pretty bad cramps with my IUD, but I felt sick and headachy all the time with the Nuvaring. I’m still angry with my [male] gyn for misrepresenting the side-effects (as a literate person who read the pamphlet that came with it, I wasn’t completely surprised, but it was still unnerving to hear “Oh, you

if she doesn’t that’s her choice, and getting married is her and her fiance’s choice, and neither are really anyone else’s business.

IUDs are still contraindicated for people without uteruses, including most men.

The funny part of it is, neither of us think religion is a deal-breaker, in general, and we’re both pretty chill about current applicable matters, so it feels oddly petty to break up over something that won’t be an in-our-face issue until an undetermined future point, especially if there’s a chance that we’re

The particular sticking point for me is asking the other person to stop doing something that they find benefits in. I think the surface benefits of not practicing a religion to an atheist would be outweighed for someone who *does* believe in the tenets of a religion by the stress and cognitive dissonance of

as someone who wouldn’t ask such, but has been asked effectively to “deconvert,” as you describe it, it’s especially frustrating, because at least if you want someone to convert to a religion you probably think joining has some spiritual (or other) benefits, but asking a religious person (who isn’t doing anything to

....I mean, yeah if she were a nun...and crazy...and homicidal....

if you love someone and think that they’re in spiritual peril, it’s less about judgment and more about worrying about them.

I’m in a flipped-version of the OP’s situation, and I feel like me and my SO could swing something similar to what you describe, except he says he’s dead set against properly educating any hypothetical littles about my faith (not talking oblation or anything, just basic, open-mindedly-phrased religious education) and

on the flip side, BET came to film at my high school (I don’t remember why) and they moved people around for one day to make the AP class demographics look different (majority black high school.....majority white AP classes......yeah). I don’t know whether it was the principal or the producer’s idea.....

Undercover Brother