
I was a fan of the ninja one. I also liked how most of them had the reader playing a gender-neutralish character, so you could read yourself into it more easily

Mexico doesn’t have the death penalty for anything, though, and their prisons are more....porous....than US ones. Having a death penalty for murdering people while also dealing drugs is different from having one for just dealing drugs.

The only things I don’t use my cast iron for are boiling water (so no pasta, rice, steaming, etc.), and things that need fast heat transfer that stops when you remove it from heat, like high-heat stir frying or time-sensitive baking like tuiles. Its only weakness, in my opinion, is that the weight makes

I get pulled aside all the time, partly because my hair apparently sets something off in the naked-scanner (I’m a white chick with thick hair), but I have a theory that it’s also because I look like a non-threatening and compliant person they can use to meet their “random search” quota. I don’t mind pat-downs, so it’s

Negative coaching for children is just a bad idea all around. Some of the best coaches I had as a kid were retired military guys with daughters. They knew how to push us without getting negative, partly because they knew the difference between boot camp and a 9-year-old basketball team. I sometimes think people who

I’ve been a participant and a coach/instructor in a few settings that didn’t allow parents to be present, mostly for the kids’ concentration, partly because it was more effective than banning problem parents specifically (I was in a few organizations that did the latter, too....#drama). Most wouldn’t have been against

huh, didn’t know you could do that with mint. #hierbabuena

how is that legal?

I imagine the justification is some combination of jail overcrowding, insufficient shower facilities, insufficient hygiene supplies, and too few staff to get people to showers. That’s unacceptable, but our detention facilities are often overcrowded and understaffed, and there’s often nobody doing sanity checks on

definitely seen it at east coast weddings. And bar mitzvahs. And quinceaneras. And cotillions. It’s a dance everyone knows and that everyone looks equally silly doing.

I don’t wanna be a chick

I saw a really good thread on a Speech Language Pathologist forum where people were critiquing her voice quality in a neutral, professional way.

Chiwetel Ejiofor, if I’m interpreting culottes correctly

I’m not a really close follower of comic timelines, but Kamala Khan is in Captain Marvel #14, according to Wikipedia, when Carol Danvers has already stopped being Ms. Marvel....and then takes the name Ms. Marvel when she gets superpowers some time later.

or maybe a cameo/Easter egg of Kamala as a little kid, since almost all of the Marvel movies seem to need an origin story and it wouldn’t make sense for Kamala to be getting her superpowers at the same timeline point as Carol Danvers.....

In the new timeline Spock has the responsibility of helping rebuild the Vulcan population, which, rationally, has no room for sexual orientation.

it’s spelled teat, not teet