They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Kate’s improper use of “your” has forever killed my boner for her.

I think I’m in love and this is the first I’m hearing about this guy.

Seriously, him saying he would destroy the records before giving them to a deportation task force made me reel. we need more people talking like this.

Trump probably thinks its the Dept. of Black Lives Matter.

Leave the lid off your trash cans.

In my experience, dogs greatly prefer cold paws to walking in dog shoes.

America is going to be great again. The Great Smog, the Great Depression, the Great War... They’re all coming back. It’ll be great.

If there’s one silver lining to the Great Smog, it’s that it kickstarted an environmental movement that led to the passage of some of the first clean air laws. 

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she was a 19 year old drug addict and he was 34 and married. No wonder Carrie Fisher always finds ways to emphasize that Harrison Ford is a douche biscuit.

I wish we all lived in the timeline where these are all real, instead of the horrible one we’re currently in.

BLM is forever. Someone has to hold title to the part of Nevada that isn’t used for gambling or being used as a bombing range.

When reading that I definitely did not think they meant “Bureau of Land Management”.
I was like ‘oh shit’ just like that huh?

Hatches, ranked:

The attribution of the Hatch Act to the wrong Hatch? No worries. It was good enough for government work.

It’s true. One side is slanted in favor of the truth, and the other side is conservative media.

“Lasseter took me aside and said, ‘I have an idea: Here’s Byron, and you guys should start talking.’”

That’s not even funny.

I’ve been in the FS for 14 years, under both the Bush and Obama administrations. There is always important work to be done no matter who is in charge. And most of it, the vast majority of it, does not change from administration to administration. If you are asked to do something that you ethically cannot defend,

I used to be a federal employee, I’m married to one, and know lots. And one thing I can tell you is that there are a lot of conservative federal employees and I have no doubts that many voted for Trump. They’re a sizable minority, but they’re out there. And in my experience, they are going to be stunned when Trump and

In our case it was because we failed to conquer Canada.