Yeah, mentioning Reince’s appointment over Bannon’s almost feels like burying the lede. Establishment republicans aren’t nearly as terrifying as alt-right figures like Bannon.
Yeah, mentioning Reince’s appointment over Bannon’s almost feels like burying the lede. Establishment republicans aren’t nearly as terrifying as alt-right figures like Bannon.
Instead of spending $2.99 on a box of safety pins, donate $5 to one of these groups:
We all did
Jesus, stop being an asshole. Everyone is willing and able to figure out how we rebuild the party and do better in 2018 and 2020, but there are people who are heartbroken and you are being shitty about it for no reason other than your own exaggerated sense of self importance.
“Basically handed her the nomination.”
Hillary’s candidacy meant a lot of things to a lot of people— many of them women who have been consistently passed over in their professional lives in favor of less qualified men. It seems really shitty to mock people for feeling badly for her, much less to make the ridiculous assertion that such feelings are the…
Drone warfare and (ha) “precision strikes” are utterly indefensible crimes against humanity, but there’s no need to equivocate. That’s the sort of smug ideological purity that kept a large portion of the American populace on their damned couches last Tuesday. There’s a marked difference between starting a war and…
I’m glad he takes comfort in painting the wounded soldiers who died during his meaningless wars. If he could think about all the brown people who suffered and still suffer, it could be great. Like, a Rothko chapel full of brown faces.
I’ve seen a lot of, “Now you know what we felt like when Obama won” (also one deeply bizarre “I personally would point and laugh if Trump supporters were peacefully protesting, therefore it is by definition impossible for anyone to protest Trump in any way without being a hypocrite”), which is just another window into…
There is no downside to her act unless you really, desperately want to find one.
I hope that little girl becomes our third female president.
In line at the grocery this morning, I saw the new issue of People magazine. I audibly “tsked”. The man in line in front of me turned and nodded. His young daughter announced “WE voted for Hillary!” Her dad prodded, “And why?” The child answered “Because she’s smart and nice, and he’s dumb and stupid.” So these two…
I’m from Ireland, and I’ve been reading Jezebel for years. This website and it’s commenters have given me more of an education than my actual degree did. I read every single article and discussion leading up to the election and I was with you all this week while you hoped and cried and despaired and swore. I read…
I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.
I’m not much for buzzwords. I just think it’s good when people can see from others’ perspectives and recognize that not everybody enjoys the same position in life.
Amazing how the news channels and nightly news shows are putting shit on a platter and pretending that the people who ran, applauded, laughed about, and expanded a campaign built exclusively on hating non-whites, including dead war heroes should now be patted on the back for a job well done by reporters who only want…
Worst week of my life? Probably two years ago. One night I told my husband of over a decade that I was going to leave, because he was mean to me and made me afraid of him.
Some how, in my mind, Hillary has gone from being my political candidate of choice to, like, my mom. I want to be like her, and I will fuck someone up to defend her.
Warren will be 71 in 2020.