They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

J Crew factory is a fucking scam, people. Super overpriced and really shitty quality. Regular J Crew is super overpriced too but at least it’s better quality and worth it if you can get it on sale. The Factory shit is just as poorly made as H&M but at least H&M knows its place and prices accordingly.

J Crew factory is a fucking scam, people. Super overpriced and really shitty quality. Regular J Crew is super

All damned day! All. Damned. Day!

She IS a mother and guess what - mothers, by nature, are nurturing

Hell fucking yes to all of this. If you’re hated because you’re effective in a hostile environment.....that doesn’t mean you stop being effective.

Good god you articulate what I wish to say to people when they throw around those adjectives to describe her. Guess what, people, the US does need a Machiavellian style president because we are dealing with assholes and bullies on a global stage.

My mom did criminal defense for 25 years in DC. She would regularly be called a bitch to her face by prosecutors.


You’re right. Claiming her position is the opposite of what it actually is because she wants to refute criticism of her positions is definitely not helping anyone.

“Now that it appears enough adults will be doing the right thing and voting for Clinton, that opens the door for us privileged, precious flowers to vote our fragile consciences for Stein.”

Start from the bottom. Start local. Be patient. The radical right of the GOP spent 35 years seeding to the point, hoping this would be their year, and while they are NOT getting POTUS (because they are bad people and their ideas are bad), they now control more than half of US state legislatures and governorships, and

I think you’re writing words, but all I’m seeing are crying emojis.

What is admirable about Susan fucking Sarandon? She’s a rich white lady who won’t be negatively impacted by a Trump presidency in the slightest. She can afford to spew her white feminist bullshit and pretend to be morally superior because deep down she knows that no matter what the outcome is she will be fine. She

I would appreciate it more if they recognized that starting at the top is not the way to build a viable Green Party. Or any third party. I would appreciate it if someone said, “Look, I think most of us agree the two-party system sucks and needs change, but making a living running for president every four fucking years

This is like your parents asking you to choose between two entrees for dinner, but instead of considering what’s best for you and your family you decide it would best you light the house on fire instead

Liberals like Sarandon come across the phrase “The perfect is the enemy of the good” and decide that since they’re perfect, “good” needs to be taken down a peg or two.

The jig is up, gella. Now I know 100% you are working with Russia because it’s obvious you hacked my political adviser’s emails to get the content of my robocall speech.

I’m going to set up a robocall to try and get a date. If I can get my message out to 194,000 people, someone’s gotta take me up on the offer, right?

It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun

I’ve shared this story before but every time I hear about one of these badass old women I am reminded of my grandmother who we lost in June. She was a lifelong democrat lefty and hillary’s candidacy meant a lot to her. My grandmother never got the chance to vote for Hillary for president, I’m so glad Gina does and