They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I’m really low on cycnicism about politics, which I know many consider naieve but I’ve seen it up close and personal (not in the US) and give a lot of creedence to the idea that in a truly grid locked system of bureacracy, to move things even the smallest amount, an enormous degree of negotiation and compromise can be

Or when you buried the hatchet eight years ago, and Hillary worked closely with Barack as his SoS for four years and everyone became friends. Funny how things actually do change when you are not a whiney baby who holds grudges forever.

And Obama and Michelle bashed Hillary when they were running against her. Funny how rivals in primary campaigns can join together for a general election. So funny.

It’s really interesting that Michelle is more than paying back the favor that Bill did for Barack in 2012 at the Convention. Sometimes you need a wingwoman/man

Pretty sure Ross Perot was during his lifetime, and at one point was polling higher than 13%.

I don’t think it’s cool for them to retcon my childhood by making Lando black, though.

Especially since the “no blood transfusions” things stems from Jehovah’s Witnesses not wanting to pass midichlorians from person to person.

As a gay man, I had to do some soul searching after hearing this news. On the one hand, in retrospect it’s clear that the Patient Zero narrative was too neat, and possibly driven by different forms of homophobia.

I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.

Poor puppy.

“Who’s a cute little vector for disease? You are” *makes cooing noise at the monkey*


I really want Raf to find someone and be happy, even if that someone isn’t me.

Hey man! Gary Johnson wants to legalize marijuana! He’s cool!

So that’s 23 more votes. Eat it Trump.

The show was on two days ago. It’s not fair to expect everyone to embargo because you haven’t seen it.

hahaha, i sort of loved the wall paper and wanted them to do a pin up photoshoot in front of it.

It was perfect. No hemming and hawing over how and when. No overly dramatic scene of going to get an abortion or watching her “suffer” through some cramps. Just an “oh, by the way” and that was that. It was all just perfectly realistic and matter of fact.

Yeah... I don’t want anyone to with unpaid but 160,000 a year is a pretty good salary. It would be one thing if they were promised more and then got stiffed but that doesn’t sound like the case and so I’m having a hard time getting upset about this.