They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for


What the fuck?

I don’t really care whether he runs for anything ever again, but I would like a designated hitter debate option, where Joe Biden can be swapped in to unload on an unsuspecting GOP candidate. Watching him debate is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. Sometimes I watch his debates with Palin and Ryan when

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

Maybe someone can also roast that fucker Dolan, too. He is no better, Mr. I- will-spend-ungodly-(in all senses of the word) amounts-of-money-to-block-legislation-that-would-extend-the-statute-of-limitations-for-sex-abuse-survivors. NY has a surprisingly short SOL of just 5 years for both criminal and civil cases, and


We learn, via expository on-screen text, that every single participant in this series died under mysterious circumstances over three days of filming—except for one, though it doesn’t specify who.

I’m embarrassed to admit that, in the moment, Trump’s comment really hurt. Hurt in that “brain shut off/dignity shut off” kind of pain. It’s the kind of comment that can suck the self esteem out of you if you aren’t expecting it.

Honestly, after Brexit it’s just nice to spend some time yelling at a different country’s politicians.

Not sure why these didn’t catch on:

But to agree with her, you’d have to know for sure that Angelina has been demonizing Brad to her kids. Do you know that? Do you know he’s not done the damage to the kids himself?

Exactly. This is a private conversation and if you aren’t close enough to gain access to speak privately you don’t know enough about the situation to mouth off

The article says she quit being Angie’s nanny when she was 3. How likely is it that she knows anything about the parents much less Angie and Brad?

You know what would have been really sweet of Angelina’s own ex-nanny? For her not to weaponize Angelina’s own childhood against her. Ugh.

I disagree with someone who was once held in a position of trust by a child using them to make a buck via tabloids.

Why are these always so expensive...whyyyy

Curt Schilling’s Senate campaign has begun. Finally, the hot take memes have become real.

Remember, when someone can use the r-word and still have the moral highground against you.... you are truly an asshole (or taking an asshole position).

Here’s a fresh one from summer 2016.

My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.