They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I disagree with Kaep. Trump has made no effort to show he’s less racist.

I had all the rage this morning debating with some dumb hippie who said they’re not voting because a vote for the lesser of 2 evils is still a vote for evil. I did all the explaining you’d expect but he just came back with (I swear to god) “Nah I live in the woods I’ll be good, lol”

Especially when it comes to disputes over land.

If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.

My wife thinks I’m a psychopath sitting here crying and rewatching it on my phone 22 times.

I’ve cried when my Mets have given up homers before, but not like this.

I’m a grown man crying almost hysterically watching other grown men cry.

This is just a bawlfest for me since it started. Dee Gordon broke me.

The most somber version of take me out to the ballgame? Try the most somber song any of us will ever hear in our lifetimes.

My step-dad is Cuban and he could care less about the Marlins but today they were playing the interview about how he saved his mom when they were coming over here and he just started bawling. My step-dad left Cuba on a canoe to follow his mom who was already here. After 23 years of being in this country he’s a citizen

And then Dee Gordon hits a leadoff homerun after taking the first pitch from the right side and wearing Jose’s helmet.

Personally, I think the hug was genuine, and based on a recognition that he got a few things right.

Follow-up personal anecdote, just for fun: 

I really want to believe the cops, I want to trust cops, I know that most cops are actually decent good people, and I want to believe this was an innocent isolated instance.

Denial can lead to mental illness and personality disorders?!

Wow. He looks utterly lifeless in that photo.

No. Please. That show went on far too long as it was. It doesn’t need a revival. Let it die. Don’t bring Jessica Biel back to tv. Stephen’s already dead in our hearts and minds, along with this show anyway. Besides, too many of my favorite shows were sacrificed to keep this awful one on air.

i love this because she was specific that he should be dead.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...