They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Miss you Larry ;(


This seems like a perfect segue into a story about the lack of minorities working in NFL front offices.

How many times do they have to tell you they don’t start serving lunch until 10:15? Your fault at this point imo

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

This man is very, very cold, and in desperate need of a hot take. For only $0.40 a day, you can provide him with a hot take, so that he may warm himself.


You're an idiot.

“You guys are heroes”

“They only showed him kill that guy on replay” is my favorite comeback of all time now. Find that hill and die on it, buddy.

I also don’t believe for a second that “this isn’t because she’s a woman.” I sincerely doubt he’d call Obama a bad parent.

I mean, call us back when you actually have kids and are forced to make these decisions in real life instead of judging millions of parents from your comfy spot on the sidelines.

Gah. Shut up, Jim Harbaugh. Just shut the fuck up. Not everyone on Earth thinks all problems can be solved through overexuberant, say-nothing coach-speak platitudes. Jim Harbaugh is the direct male corollary to the talking Malibu Stacy doll.

John Edwards did it for me. I had such high hopes for the guy ... and then ... yeah.

That poor, poor baby. Bad enough he’ll grow up in a world where his father famously humiliated his mother and where creepy pics of his dad’s erection are widely-viewed. That is traumatizing enough. But his infant self being in frame with his father’s tumescent dong? Not enough therapy in the world.

Jill Stein’s comments on vaccination are proof that not all dog whistles are race-based.

A standard work week is 40 hours or less or 5x8 hour days. Unless they’ve abolished the weekend in your state, no one works 7x8 hour the math is more like 1100 hours to be a cop, 1500 to be a cosmetologist.

But if a lion had been killed, that would be a big cat-astrophe.

Ever since she stated that she’d be willing to give her spot on the Green Party ticket to Bernie Sanders if he wanted it, any slight inkling that I might consider voting for her disappeared. She’s weak and naive. If somehow she were elected, congress and every one else would walk all over her.

He and Gabby Douglas get dragged, but Michael Phelps laughing was all in good fun? 🤔