They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for
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Hidden Figures (black director and stars) is the one I’m most looking forward to.

Nice sleight of hand, bringing up examples that happened 20-30 years earlier than when this occurred. People knew about consent in 1999. Maybe not at Penn State, but 1999 was not 1972.

I vehemently dispute this. I grew up in Nate Parker’s era and young men knew damn well what they were doing, which is why they were secretive about it. They found rape situations like this FUNNY and joked about it behind closed doors. He even denied that there was a second man involved until she tricked him into

What an odd thing for this sif person to get so belligerent about...

There’s nothing human about being a flaming hypocrite.

No, my problem is it’s hard for me to separate the work from the artist when the artist is still alive or recently dead. Which is exactly what I was saying above.

I apologize for being human. I’ll try to not let it happen again.

I WAS looking forward to seeing it.

Yeah, it’s like Polanski films. I am sure, as a film, the Pianist was well deserving of an Oscar, but I’m never going to find out, because all I could think about while I watched it is how the man who made it raped a young girl, got away with it, and doesn’t give a shit.

Goddamn the U.S. educational system.

Canyon of Bones sounds more hardcore. Bone Canyon sounds like a place where teenagers have sex.

they would believe he owes respect to the NATION (the American people), and to the soldiers that fought and died to kept us free

If you are more upset at Kaepernick protesting police brutality than you were at the police committing it, yeah, you're part of the problem.

I managed to follow it, and find the point.

This is a dumb take. So you can only protest is you're really good at your job? Otherwise why bother? And if it was about his career he wouldn't have said/done anything. Clearly this is an issue that is important to him.

Conservatives on big government: “I made this money with my own hard work, I didn’t need the government’s help.”

She just shitposted all over the Trump campaign and is getting ready to cuck Trump in November. Alt-right-delete.

I bought Dodai’s LL Bean cashmere sweater from Worth It and still wear it OVER MY DODAI BLACK SLIP from Worth It. Maybe I have a problem. Somebody ask Dodai.

Agree to disagree.

I miss the Worth It column. I picked up several recommended items (Dodai’s favorite slip is still on my Amazon wish list), and picked up more recommendations in the threads on those posts. It would be Worth It (hyuk) to bring that feature back.

This palette looks great. Thanks for the rec!