They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I had the privilege of working at Apple during the crucial years from the return of Steve Jobs until after his death. Early during my tenure there the company recognized the fact that our marketing was successfully driving people to various big-box retail stores, among them Best Buy, Circuit City, and (wait for it)


My favorite definition of “progressive” is “agrees with me on all issues that I consider important to being a progressive”.

Being a progressive means you hate Hillary? That’s news to me. I thought being progressive means fighting for progressive issues, not creating a purity test of which of those issues are necessary to be considered progressive.

And there it is. It is no longer about Sanders, if it ever was. It's just about your precious unsustainable imaginary future and not the hard god damn work it's going to take to get there. Privilege plain and simple, what will it hurt if Trump gets elected? They won't feel any pain from his insanity.

This is weird, and bad, but remember, people who go to conventions are weird, and bad, and are completely unlike general election voters!

Jerry Sullivan is a sports columnist who writes for The Buffalo News. If a player is black and gets in any kind of trouble (Marcell Dareus), he labels them as selfish and a cancer that the organization should dismiss. When a white player repeatedly proves he’s a goddamn piece of shit scum bag (Pat Kane), he sucks his

Sweet jesus, how great is that GIF?

Wait, what?

He’s not Biden-style. He’s Hubert Humphrey-style. Humphrey was well-liked in the senate, like Kaine, and was able to serve as an effective liason between the LBJ White House and the Hill. I imagine Kaine will fill a similar role for President Clinton.

Your selfishness has been confirmed. Nobody thanks you.

And I also found this.

To all you saying he is pro-life: The dude is pro-choice.

I don’t care if politicians are personally pro-life, so long as they don’t impose that on their constituents. That’s what “pro choice” means, after all.

Speaking of Catholic values, shouldn’t pro-choice progressives be terrified of Tim Kaine on the ticket? After all, he has said he is personally opposed to abortion. If you didn’t look any further, then a pro-choice feminist like myself might have cause for concern. Continue digging just one inch deeper though and

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

“pro life guy”

but he’s not a REAL progressive (i can already hear them saying). the proof is some bit of rhetoric that bothered me six years ago even though it’s never showed up in his actual voting record.

“Still not an actual liberal. I’m so done with the Democratic Party.”

—select people on my Facebook feed whom I have given up trying to understand