It could never be Cory Booker this year. The Dem’s have a chance to win back the Senate and Chris Christie would get to name his replacement. Cant risk losing that seat.
It could never be Cory Booker this year. The Dem’s have a chance to win back the Senate and Chris Christie would get to name his replacement. Cant risk losing that seat.
Hills should pick me, even though Constitution says I’m too young to be president. (Which we should change! Doesn’t America deserve an millennial VP??)
Elon Musk is in my list of top 5 celebrity crushes, along with The Rock, Harrison Ford, JJ Abrams and Idris Elba. You can’t say I don’t have diverse tastes!
The grillionaire who is our best bet to save us all from global warming.
Or maybe he felt he couldn’t get paid well enough given the risks he’s taking.
Yes, from what I saw of Hawaii 5/0 the show made Daniel Day Kim half assed asexual. Daniel Day Kim!
The part specifically about Asian men - I wish more people would talk about this. Cho has been beating this drum for a while and others before him, too. With increased focus on representation in media it seems sometimes that Asian men are still treated as an afterthought or not masculine or not deserving of being a…
I continue to have no problem with Sulu being gay in the “Kelvin Timeline.” That’s just my totally unimportant opinion, though. I do wonder how they’ll address it: Will it be a fleeting detail (we see Sulu on the video phone with his husband and child on earth) or will they be part of the plot somehow (endangered,…
I get why people are being deferential to Takei but his logic really doesn’t track. He says it’s out of respect to Roddenberry... but he also said that Roddenberry himself said he couldn’t do a gay character at the time. So it seems possible if not also likely Roddenberry would be in favor of this. Furthermore, adding…
Since he’s been publicly outed for his piggishness and sued in federal court, why not name the swine?
I loathe Fox News something fierce, but I will not throw these ladies shade.
Did you read the update? And literally that was one woman’s story and we have no idea what she was wearing. Maybe it was a tank top. Literally I once had an employee wear a completely transparent white sweater that was made of yarn with a black bra under it. I had to ask her to put a tank top on under it. I wonder if…
you can think someone is a bad person and also commend her for speaking out against sexual harassment, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
I would also argue that many powerful conservative women (Kelly, Rice, even Fiorina to a certain extent) are a lot more complicated than we tend to give them credit for and are…
Is the notion that you can disagree with and dislike someone but still believe that they shouldn’t have to tolerate sexual harassment really that complicated?
He wouldn't dare leia hand on her.
obviously they mean that they are good for baking but useless on toast unless you add something else to the mix
She’s not a victim. She’s a media savvy business woman and her tactics clearly make a lot of people like her. Not everyone. She’s good at her job, but I’m not her target audience and I think she’s a boring twit. And really transparent.