Well hopefully after all that the kid wins a cup.
Well hopefully after all that the kid wins a cup.
I know that sounds awful, but I work in a child welfare organization (not as a social worker or anything so this isn’t going to be perfectly accurate psych) and a lot of the kids come in to those kinds of home having experienced sexual abuse. So someone coming from a troubled background like that is more likely to a)…
It’s ok if you don’t, though. Fucking hell this is maddening.
I’m glad there aren’t people all over the world tracking how often I cry in public and why....
She really has the posture and mannerisms of a child.
I really, really hate when people say, “I could care less,” when what they are actually trying to say is, “I couldn’t care less.” The former indicates that they actually do care, at least somewhat.
Lard spare me white men who think social media is “silencing” them. Nope, it’s just allowing other, more interesting voices to finally be heard.
Because, Clam, they typically tend to demonstrate a complete lack of empathy, compassion, and introspection. You would know this if you followed politics even a bit.
1. He is racist.
“Real America”
And even in those shows, not super recognizable. I’ve seen her shows, but I don’t think I’d be able to pick her out on a crowded sidewalk.
3. The victim has a police record!
I understand the thin blue line. I understand that cops think, “That coulda been me. Mistake made. Gotta support my brother.” But I’m a public school teacher. If I found out that a teacher was fucking a student, there’d be no way that my knee-jerk response would be, “Well...you have to understand that...” Give me a…
If only there was some kind of convenient bed Murphy could have used.
I traveled to Europe in 1993 — at the very same time as the Balkan Wars! I was in the middle of it, in France, Germany and the Netherlands, a major player in that epic struggle for freedom. If the Serbs had found me, in Paris, they would have surely paraded my head on a spike down the streets of, I dunno, Lyon? The…
This piece incensed me to no end. I am Nigerian-American and the patronizing, offensive tone of this piece made me a little crazy over the weekend. Where does one begin? Even if her entire story is true, giving it the benefit of the doubt, this singular Africa that underlies her entire story no longer exists, and in…
Moving it out of the
horribleblack area it was in to east Cobb is going to do wonders for attendance anddedicatedwhite fans
The Braves clearly think that their core fanbase is more scared of blacks than traffic.
Fuck the Braves. Fuck Cobb County. Fuck Atlanta.