They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I’m firmly team “do not buy gifts for your boss”. You can gift down (your staff, assistant, etc.) but gifting up is awkward unless you have a significant personal friendship. Your boss doesn’t want you to spend money on her.

That’s the head count in metric.

That’s just French for 80,000

It’s ok. Attacks like this one and the ones in Beirut, Baghdad and Turkey can be tough to discuss. They’re emotional and terrifying and rightfully invoke anger. Wires get crossed and misinformation like what I received can add to frustration. As for being absurd, I think it’s human nature to search for the “why” — at

Lafayette would be proud. Our two countries have a deep and long relationship and the Army knows this better than any one

Although it wasn’t the tricolor, the first flag of an allied nation to fly next to the American flag on the battlefield was that of France.

The entire world is looking to the White House.

If only there was some sort of “network” through which you could access the Internet in the absence of WiFi. One can only dream.

I agree. I need to stop mood-trolling or whatever it might be called, and not post inflammatory stuff that I don’t believe just because I’m in a negative mood for some other reason. I guess my only real negative thought was that it just confirms stereotypes and prejudices are obviously real, and show up in Yelp. (I’d

I guess jet fuel CAN melt steel beams. ; (

That’s still racism, just more disparate impact racism and less blunt force racism.

On a related note: I know it sounds grim, but folks, put your name down on your driver’s license as a donor. Speaking as the child of someone who got an extra five years of life due to generous strangers, you can’t imagine how treasured and valuable these donations are.

I think by purchasing a VW you already signed up for the brand stigma that comes with questionable reliability.

As much as I love the Hawkeye/Kate Bishop comics, Marvel definitely did something right by not giving Jeremy Renner his own movie.

I’m from Canada and New Zealand so it’s been a weird couple of weeks for me between celebrating Trudeau and the unending horrible headlines from NZ. But, like, we won the Rugby World Cup so who cares about institutional misogyny?

C’mon, “Say, what’s in this drink?” is pretty fucking suspect

Yup, my friend who works for minimum wage at a health food store is legitimately a “trained nutritionist” because she did a three month online course. But, really, pick three nutritionist’s blogs at random and read a few articles and anyone with critical thinking skills should figure it out fairly quickly. No, sugar

Is anyone interested in knowing the price of the treatment that gave her a cure? About $85,000 for a 12 week treatment, even more if it had to go on for 20 weeks, which a certain percentage has to do. I’m not hating, I think it’s great. I think everyone who needs this treatment should get it, actually. But wow, the

Sure, sure. It’s the activists’ fault. Why couldn’t everyone just shut up and let animal cruelty for fun and profit continue forever?

By natural show... You mean something like this? They’re called Killer Whales for a reason. And they are extremely intelligent.