They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

My mom is a nurse. She ended up working in geriatrics because she absolutely loves it and just feels called to it. Not a lot of people want to work with the elderly, but my mom kicks ass at it. She loves her patients and treats them with kindness, dignity, and humor. She cries when they die and she has attended more

I’m not a nurse, but I gotta recount what my badass nurse cousin did this weekend...

She probably secretly loves it that those young people died. She probably wishes she had shot them herself.

It’s the context and backstory that gives it weight, not the plot point. I watched the red wedding when it aired, and even so, when I read ASoS, I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.

Spoiler alert: the Romans kill Jesus.

Agreed. Athletes today are pampered. For example, back in the day when a gritty old-schooler like Dale Earnhardt slipped on a ring of concrete you didn’t hear him complain even once afterwards.

Anyone who’s watched the election coverage this year knows nothing good happens when a Bush tries to run further to the right.

There are shitbags like Jim Irsay and Dan Snyder who get rich off of hikers getting eaten by bears? And they purposely lie to hikers about the danger of hiking?

You watch hiking on television? I thought my life was boring. Thank you for being there.

Heads are going to roll over this. Well, one head. Ricardo Lockette’s head. In physical therapy. But, like, a whole buncha times.

Football helments can’t melt neck ligaments

Coach Carroll suspects it was a pre-existing condition. “Looking at the video, there’s no way just the impact alone could’ve caused this injury.”

there were no arrests, no injuries, no reports of property damage.

(Nothing the starters do can make up for the fact that the bullpen will be bad, and the offense will return to its pre-July 25 atrocity against baseball.

She’s batshit with some of the things she comes up with - greeting your house, removing all the stuff from your purse each night. That said, the way she folds shirts and organizes closets has changed my life. I have also gotten rid of so much crap that I was hanging onto for no reason without guilt (I still harbor

I’m so glad he did run on that play. Just so I could lol at the Mets fans in this photo...

I can see from the tone of the comments that the narrative is already that the Mets’ tactical and strategic missteps tonight cost them the series, which is odd because the tone of the fireworks going off here in Kansas City is that the Royals are a superb baseball team that went into tonight’s game with a very

I recommend being utterly shocked that it is november already, forgetting to plan anything in October, frantically try to think up any sort of plot and realize you are utterly stuck for any inspiration, get frustrated and then sink into depression whilst still hoping you get any idea at all by tomorrow and promise

Steve Williams served as Tiger Woods’ caddy from 1999 to 2011 ... [and] recently wrote a book called “Out Of The Rough” about his time with Tiger.

He should have done something different with his arms, because the way he folded them said less ‘space killer’ and more ‘I’m not happy with the way you filed your IJ-337-9 report yesterday, Gary.’