They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

He was one of the several I read before they hit Grantland. His suspension flow charts (one regular season, one playoffs) were absolutely hilarious and have been reposted by people countless times.

he's fantastic. I hope he finds somewhere to write that gives him the same amount of freedom and lets him do his thing.

Sean Mcindoe is one of the best hockey writers out there right now. His columns were insightful and funny. They often provided most of the jokes I stole for the week.

A toddler blow job joke. Hilarious.

At Sefolosha’s trial, the five officers testified that he had charged them. Sefolosha’s lawyers were able to find video that, when coupled with with TMZ’s, proved that testimony to be false.

At one point, there were four other officers he operated with. They were called, “The Ben Fields’ Five.”

Let me make this simple for everyone - Fuck of you dumb racist piece of shit.

Drop the bullshit, man. It's not clever. It's not funny. It's a pedantic (and incorrect) semantic argument that's as tedious as it is stupid. You know damned well what the headline was conveying, because it's 100% accurate to what was described in the article. You're just arguing to hear your own voice.

I don’t feel comfortable letting them in. I just really don’t at all. It seems bad to me.

I thought educated guesses were the only type you can’t find in SC.

Spooky. This is beautifully written by the way, very vivid description.

I miss that dope click-wheel. I miss it so hard. That was one beautiful piece of design, wasn’t it? I can still remember the frisson of near-erotic pleasure I got the first time I slid my fingertip around it. Sexy motherfucker. Knew exactly what it was doing to me, the dirty bastard.

I do not like red skins and ham. I do not like them Ice-I-am.

Solid performance but Josh Lucas is still never going to win an Oscar.

Youre gonna want to pipe down on the Canada-brag, because if Trump gets elected, you're gonna end up with a lot of new neighbors.

These football-apologist arguments always conveniently omit the context.

True. But children under the age of consent should be protected until they are old enough to make decisions that could literally effect their lifelong health. There’s a reason we don’t trust 14 year olds to make their own life decisions (joining the military, juvenile justic system, etc) — they’re not ready to decide

this here is why I don’t watch actors give interviews ever, and only read gossip about actors I already don’t like or just don’t care about. I don’t need to see that shit. It’s better if I don’t see them as real people who might ruin my appreciation of their movies.

Sebastian Stan! Looking at him makes me shake with lust.