They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

It should’ve been you, Ben Affleck.

2 hours ago.

Yeah, I think that’s the bottom line. That Utley crossed the line is one thing. But then the umpires didn’t even enforce the game’s rules.

Hook stunk up the place? Do you need help finding your misplaced childhood?

But the important thing is that at the end of the film, Sandra Bullock was not only able to come to terms with her struggles with substance abuse, she was able to overcome them.

Maybe you are confused. This is a list of teams you can root for in the playoffs.

So with number two, what you meant to say is you can’t take anything Nolan says about football seriously because she has tits.

Christ, that team.

echoing sentiments above, but the locked door is such an amazing piece of the story. it haaaad to be Javale McGee that did it, right?

“He’s become a master of portraying men whose magnetic presence...”

Really hoping the Jays sneak “God Save the Queen” in there if they make it that far. Might end the stupid thing once and for all.

Pretty sure Bin Laden destroyed baseball by introducing “God Bless America” into the 7th inning stretch.

First they came for the Expos, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not from Montreal.

Similar. Leif. And then a solid Swedish last name.

U.S Soccer needs to stop protecting and doing the bare minimum with this asshole

Bravo. So classy. I zone out at baseball games, too. It’s not hockey ffs.

Oh no! They were glued to their phones, you say? Someone call the outrage police! These young women must be taught a lesson post haste!

Chances are that won't be an option until next April.