They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

The united federation of planets?

I have to agree that the writing was very weak. The character development was more or less nonexistent. And the dialogue sounded like it was coming from a C movie script. However, as someone in STEM, I am able to set that aside and enjoy a book that is extraordinarily well-researched and full of problem solving,

WHEN will Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio realize that their relationships don’t work out because they just need to get together, already

Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.

I’m a pizza supremecist.

The problem is that the definition you just posted there isn’t what she meant. Humanism has zero to do with equal gender rights. Feminism promotes the nice easy balance she spoke of. She meant feminism, but she was afraid to say it.

It disappears sexism (real sexism; not “misandry”) as an axis of oppression.

Fuck you.


Grey Gardens II: Electric Boogaloo

John Rocker: [submits job application to Nationals]

I see this is your first post. Should probably be your last.

why the fuck does he need to play the game “with class”, whatever that means? Baseball fans are so weird.

The fact that we have to ask the question “Should themanofletters have his internet posting privileges taken away for posting shit that lowers the IQ of everyone who reads them?” says everything you need to know about themanofletters.

It’s almost like he was black or something!

Nothing so classy as assaulting someone.

It’s appropriate that he’s a Cardinal because his head now leans the right way.

Just to make sure there’s no intracranial inflammation, many times patients are almost entirely submerged in cool fluid. In Piscotty’s case—hot coffee.

There is never not a time for Cardinal Way jokes.