They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

Oh please. You know what I mean. Do you really want to quibble semantics?

Elegant shade.

Whaaaa? The bullpen did not “show up” post All-Star break. Every other part of the team was a problem, true, but the bullpen was also a problem from the point Storen gave up that grand slam to the Rockies.

Except the opposite of this, you dumb shit.

Miller High Life. It’s the champagne of beers.

Bryce Harper is a douchebag because . . . ummmm . . . he blew a kiss at a pitcher? Who was plunking batters? In the minors? Half a decade ago?

Bryce isn’t anywhere close to a douchebag, period, let alone the uber-douche that morons who know nothing about the kid seem to have created from whole cloth. He’s a good

I’m really tired of the “Bryce Harper is a DB” crowing. People were determined to hate him the second he came up in the bigs, but has he actually done anything to warrant that rep besides not being a smiley, happy-go-lucky guy?

C’mon... in a world of asshole baseball players, Bryce doesn’t even register. He’ll argue with an ump on occasion, but he never goes after other players, and he treats fans (particularly kids) better than just about anyone out there. He’s honestly about as good of a star as you could ask for.

You had Rock of Gayges right there.

Thats only applicable in a court of law, dude. Even if he’s 100 percent innocent here, he is a distraction.

I agree 100 percent. I can’t believe they let him anywhere near the training camp.

Seriously, that’s your standard for treatment of rape victims?

As a Chicago Blackhawks fan, I will completely renounce this franchise if they let this dude play. He shouldn’t even be sniffing the ice until this investigation is completed. This is absolutely disgusting.

Who needs the playoffs‽

Das Sad.

She’s a woman who is a Republican trying to talk sense to Republicans. Yeah, should be successful.

This video was made for the sole purpose of starting recline/no recline arguments in the comments.

Are finals coming up already? Make us proud, 1L. Make us proud.

Punishment enough to get out of the grey?