They sure did set fire to the room; be careful what you wish for

I loved the pilot. Didn’t binge because I wanted to savor it. Since the election, though, the thought of watching more has filled me with abject despair at how little things have changed.

Do it, and fuck the idea of spite. They voted for this dumpster fire, you get to give them the gift of trying to put it out.

I knew there’d be someone who wanted to blame this on black voters!

I’m just morally opposed to having a Speaker Ryan and Minority Leader Ryan at the same time.

I want so much to love Nancy, but she is hurting me with this bullshit.

You have an awfully high opinion of college football’s moral code, don’t you?

She wants to make the Assistant Leader position, currently held by Jim Clyburn, open only to reps who have served fewer than three terms once he leaves that position; Cedric Richmond thinks that could freeze out members of the CBC who haven’t been able to gain leadership positions before but who have served too many

My understanding is that one of the things House Dems are most upset about (other than, you know, losing) is that there aren’t many leadership opportunities available for up-and-comers. So she’s promised more of those. At the expense of the Congressional Black Caucus.

I laughed, I cried, I renounced my citizenship.

The racial aspects of the regime are something I know almost nothing about it, and it’s been fascinating (and incredibly fucked up) to read about them since Castro’s death.

Sure, the Empire destroyed Alderaan, but Princess Leia put classified material on a private droid, so . . .

Lotta “both sides” bullshit in this thread.

Are you in every thread on this article? Christ, we get it, you think she’s making a dumb decision.

Anybody who’s not using their Amazon book deal but wants to do something good could consider using it for the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, which has an Amazon wish list—it’s Chicago, and most of their juveniles are arrested on minor drug or battery charges. They’re kids, which is largely reflected

Now playing

It’s almost like the Russians love to use inappropriate Holocaust imagery in artistic athletic competitions.

Even if there was hacking, a recount won’t reveal that. This was a very smart ploy by Jill to get a lot of names and email addresses, and a very dumb move by Democrats who are now thinking about this instead of how to fight.

It doesn’t have to be about the driver’s feelings. But if this story is false, no one’s been served by it and now you’ve put an image into grieving parents’ heads that they’re children knew what was coming and died with forewarning. I think that’s awful.

As always:

These three deserve each other. It’s the rest of us who are undeserving of this dumpster fire.

But when it came to life at home, she tended on the campaign trail to lose that large vision and slip into the rhetoric of diversity, calling out explicitly to African-American, Latino, L.G.B.T. and women voters at every stop. This was a strategic mistake. If you are going to mention groups in America, you had